Tag Archives: BAcon

Chapter 12: Birthday Edition

It’s been a while since my last update. I injured my hand and couldn’t type for a while. Pro Tip: when chopping vegetables DO NOT LOOK AWAY! Maybe that should be called a Noob Tip, it was certainly a noob move. I did manage to play and take pictures so I have pictures for a few chapters. BUUUUUUUUUT I noticed that sims really weren’t repopulating and my world started to die. So I bit the bullet and downloaded MCCC which we will see later worked like a charm!

Last chapter in no particular order: Gnocchi was born, Cannoli graduated from university, the family moved, and Daiquiri died.

Edamame: How could you leave for this long? I felt like I was shoved into a box and forgotten.

Are you Shrodinger’s cat?

Edamame: I don’t know what that is, but I’m not an animal.

I have missed our conversations, Edamame. Let’s get on with this update.

Whatcha got there, Edamame? Is that a dessert?

Edamame: Shut up! Everyone is in bed; this is my time.

She snarfed it down and was gone like a fart in the wind.

Edamame: Wooo! Way to go. This is going to be the best cake ever! Then we’re going to throw it in the trash! Yaaaay!

Later that day Cannoli was making a cake for Adzuki’s birthday.

Edamame: I was cheering her on. I could be a motivational speaker.

Umm, ok…

As Cannoli was making a cake Adzuki thought the cake was for him and threw a fit because he aged up before it was ready.

Then he was upset because everyone forgot his birthday.

Adzuki: I see how it is!
Edamame: *speaking loudly* No, you had your birthday at the old house. You just want a reason to be grumpy.

Cannoli discovered that she is a foodie. This means Cannoli becomes the heir for Generation 2 unless Egg, Frosting, or Gnocchi also roll foodie. Then it’s a fight to the DEATH! Just kidding, there will be a vote.

Cannoli invited her young man over.

Edamame: Her “young man,” how old are you?

Not as old as I feel when we have these conversations.

Cannoli asked Pierce to marry her right there in the entryway.

Cannoli: Pierce, I might be heir to this legacy and I will need to name my children food names because it tickles the creator. Will you marry me?
Pierce Delgato: Whaaaa?
Edamame: Phew! You guys don’t want to go in there for a while.

Edamame: We call it the foyer because it’s French.

Wow, you completely ruined Cannoli and Pierce’s moment.

Edamame: Really? I thought I added a bit of a juxtaposition which made it more poignant.

No. Not at all.

Pierce said yes, then he went home for the night to tell his mother and sister the good news.

Edamame: What a Mama’s Boy.

Frosting: It’s a madhouse in there, I need some peace and quiet.

Frosting decided to do her school project by herself outside in the cold.

Gnocchi aged up completely forgotten with everything else going on.

Gnocchi: You forgot about me…
Edamame: You had a cake, it’s not my fault you couldn’t wait. Eh, you’ll get over it.

Edamame: What a crybaby.

Adzuki got to work on converting the crib into a toddler bed.

In the kitchen, Egg wanted to ask Cannoli her opinion about him asking Amie to marry him.

Egg: Once I graduate, I want to ask Amie to marry me.
Cannoli: Oh, Mom doesn’t really like her that much.
Egg: Yeah, she doesn’t like Mom either. How bad could it be?

How bad could it be, indeed.

Edamame: Whose Amie?

On the other hand, maybe it will be fine.

Money needs to keep flowing so I put Edamame to work.

Gnocchi: Wha i’ dat?
Edamame: That is our destruction.
Gnocchi: *cries*

Now Gnocchi is going to have nightmares and it’s your fault.

Edamame: And you think I am unmarked by her infant stage?

After she sold her painting, Edamame made B-Lister.

Edamame: I don’t understand why anyone would want to disguise themselves. I love attention.

You guys, seriously, I am the BEST sims player ever! I forgot another birthday. Where’s my Dundee?

Then it was Frosting’s turn. She actually made it to the cake!

She’s a cheerful freegan.

This will not do at all. Makeover time!

That’s much better.

Edamame: She’s so cute. It’s like looking in a mirror. I think she should be the heir. Not because she looks like me, but because she’s the best choice.

But Cannoli is a Foodie, we will see if Frosting gets Foodie as well.

Edamame: Aaand I’ll just put this in the trash.

No one ever gets cake.

Edamame: It happened once and you see what it did to Bacon’s face. She is scarred forever and will never be able to find herself a man because of it.

I’m sure her poopy fingers have nothing to do with that.

The girls started plotting a cake rescue.

Frosting: When Mom goes to sleep tonight we should totally get the cake out of the trash and eat some of it.

Cannoli: That’s disgusting, Frosting.

Frosting: Come on, aren’t you curious?

Cannoli: Hmmn, let me think about it.

Edamame: *speaking loudly* You’re late, she’s already a teenager and planning to sneak cake when we are asleep. Nice try, girls. I’m putting the eggshells on it.
Cannoli and Frosting: Awe, Mom.
Adzuki: Give me a break. I’m old, it took me five minutes to walk over here.
Edamame: *speaking loudly* We are already talking about something else.

Edamame: I love disappointing my family. It makes me feel powerful.

That is a really weird thing to say.

Frosting: Did you see the pants Egg is wearing? The waist is hiked up all the way to his neck!
Cannoli: Uh, yeah! Hilarious!

Frosting: Shhh. Shhhh. *mouths* He’s right there!
Cannoli: *giggles*
Egg: *pauses*

Egg: Are you talking about me?
Frosting: Uh, no. I was just showing Cannoli a post on Social Bunny. Do you want to see it?

Frosting: Hold on, I gotta post a selfie.
Egg: No, I hate Social Bunny.
Frosting: *whispers* That’s because you’re an old man.

Later that night Frosting did indeed get a piece of cake.

The next day Cannoli and Pierce couldn’t wait any longer and they wed right in the middle of the living room.

Then Pierce moved into the Legacy House, changed his name to Ham, and got a job.

Cannoli also started her career.

It immediately became clear that Ham (Pierce) doesn’t understand the whole concept of cooking.

Cannoli: Put down the clay, Ham. We are cooking.
Frosting: I have a friend coming, is that okay?
Cannoli: The more there merrier.

Cannoli decided to hold cooking classes at home because she doesn’t want her husband anyone to burn down the house.

Frosting’s friend, McKenna Scott, came but had no interest in cooking.

But hey, Frosting now had a date for Prom.

Gnocchi was playing near an electrified puddle.

Bacon took her time deciding whether or not she should save her from danger. In the end, she did.

Edamame: This could have destroyed my legacy!

And Gnocchi could have died.

Edmaamem: Yeah, that too.

Winterfest came and everyone was invited to the Legacy House for dinner.

Supriya Delgato: Dang! My daughter-in-law can cook!

Supriya Delgato: Honey, I have got to have this recipe.
Cannoli: *smiles with pride*

Edamame: That was my recipe. I gave her that recipe.

Of course, you did. How could Cannoli have come up with something on her own?

Gnocchi: I can haz present?

Father Winter: Of course, you can little girl.

Dang, Father Winter, look at those teeth!

Edamame: That man gives me the creeps.

Didn’t you want Bacon to marry him?

Edamame: What are you, an elephant? How do you remember all of these things?

During the season premiere of Edamame’s favorite show, she demanded that everyone at home sit and watch with her.

Frosting: But I’m starving, can I at least make popcorn?
Edamame: Do not move from your seat. Ham get off that phone.

Frosting: I’m so hungry!
Ham: I really gotta use the toilet.
Gnocchi: *supersonic fart*
Edamame: NO ONE IS LEAVING! You all knew this was coming. Now sit and enjoy.

Frosting: Cheese Louise, Ham. Did you fudge your pants with that fart?
Ham: No. That wasn’t me.
Frosting: Sure, Ham, sure. It certainly smells like it came from you.
Ham: It was Gnocci, not me.
Frosting: Blaming it on a toddler is a new low, Ham.

Edamame: I should have just watched it by myself, I would have enjoyed it more.

Cannoli came home from work with pepperoni pox. She had to quarantine from the rest of the family.

She also discovered a new trait: overachiever. Cannoli is the workhorse of the house.

Edamame: How dare you. I give everything to this legacy.

Not everything is about you, Edamame.

Edamame: But it should be.

Oh no!

Adzuki NO!

Edamame: Such a dramatic way to die.

Edamame begged for his life, but in the end, the Reaper was unmoved.

That’s when Edamame discovered her final trait. I think I speak for all of us when I say no one is surprised.

Let’s check out the points earned in this chapter:

Ham’s unique spouse traits are: Adventurous and Goofball

Cannoli maxed the handiness skill

Adzuki maxed programming.

Adzuki also completed his aspiration. He didn’t even get to retire and enjoy his last days.

Edamame maxed her career.

According to my spreadsheet, I now have a total of 8 points. I don’t know if this is accurate; I have not done a great job of keeping track.

Here is the most recent Food Family Tree.

Chapter 10: Hot Dog Fingers

Welcome back to the Food Legacy where the chaos never ends. Last week the family received a visitor, their nanny; he was caught putting his lips on Cannoli. Daiquiri graduated early and Bacon graduated with honors then rolled Hates Children much to my disappointment. The legacy earned 2 points for a total of 7 points. Who’s the best legacy player? Certainly not me.

When the family returned home from Bacon and Cannoli’s birthday party Bacon wasted no time putting a plan into action. Now that she was a young adult she wanted to move out. This place had one too many toddlers for her liking.

Bacon: You know, Mom. I think it’s time for me to move out.
Edamame: *thinking* Move out?
Bacon: Don’t worry, I will get a small apartment in San Myshuno. I’ll get a job and make my own way in the world.
Edamame: *thinking* Who’s worried?

Edamame was speechless.

Bacon: Mom? Did you hear me?
Edamame: *thinking* My legacy is saved! *eyes tear up*
Bacon: Don’t cry. I’ll come back to visit.

Edamame: I think this is what joy feels like.

The news traveled quickly through the family.

Edamame: I told them. I told everyone!

Bacon and Cannoli took some pictures together. I only got one without Edamame’s awkward photo-bombing.

Edamame: They didn’t ask me to be in the photo.

Probably because they didn’t want you there.

Edamame: RUDE!

And just before she moved out Bacon and Cannoli established a close relationship.

Bacon and Pranav Trivedi, the family’s nanny, have always had a close relationship. They are actually best friends.

Edamame: Dear Plumbob, look at the hot dog fingers on him. How does he do anything without knuckles?

Bacon took Pranav aside (in her parents’ bedroom) and tried to convince him to be her boyfriend. He told her he just didn’t see her that way. (I forgot to get pictures.)Heartbroken, Bacon decided to try something desperate.

She walked out of her parents’ bedroom without a stitch of clothing on.

Adzuki: BACON! What are you doing?!
Bacon: Panav and I were just having the best time.
Adzuki: On my bed?!
Edamame: *continues to jazzercise unbothered*

Edamame: She was lying. I saw him and his hot dog fingers muppet-run passed the living room window.

Adzuki: Bacon, put your clothes back on. I need eye bleach or a spoon to gouge my eyes out!

He’s going to need some therapy after this.

Edamame: Aren’t we all.

Adzuki: *cries*

Daiquiri: Cheese Louise, Bacon, no one wants to see your cupcakes.

Bacon finally dressed. Then she moved out. I got her a job in the arts, gave her $10,000, and found her a cheap apartment in San Myshuno.

Edamame: You gave her money?

Yup. I gave her as much as the legacy could spare.

Edamame: Now we’re going to have to sell everything we own on the lawn just so we can eat!

Or maybe sell some paintings.

Cannoli and Pierce Delgato went on a date. I downloaded James Turner’s Bigwallet Restaurant and gave it an experimental menu. My goal is to have Cannoli learn as many recipes as I can and pass them down to the next generation.

Edamame: Bigwallet. I like the sound of that. Sounds better than Food.

Too bad you’re stuck with Food.

Cannoli: I think you are the prettiest man I have ever seen.
Pierce Delgato: Oh, uhh, thanks.
Siobhan Fyres: *eyes Pierce*

Wow, she just puts it all out there doesn’t she?

Edamame: She has to lock that down, she’s got competition. Who is that? The nerve of that person trying to sabotage my legacy!

That’s Siobhan Fyres, she lives on the mainland.

Edamame: We should invite her over and feed her some blowfish nigiri.

You don’t know that recipe.

Edamame: Exactly.

Wow. Um, that’s murder.

Edamame: All’s fair in love and war.

Pierce Delgato: *awkwardly checks out Siobhan*
Cannoli: I really had fun. I’d love to do this again sometime. Would you like to go out again?
Pierce Delgato: Uh, yeah, sure.

Edamame: *sniffs* Ugh, what’s that smell?

I think it might be desperation.

Cannoli: Yay! *kiss*
Pierce Delgato: *surprised*
Siobhan Fyres: *spills food on Cannoli* Oh, sorry. *not sorry*

A little bit of drama with the staff at the restaurant.

Edamame: I can’t believe Cannoli kept her cool. Something like that would have activated my Kung Fu moves.

Oh really?

Edamame: Yes. It’s automatic. I could accidentally kill someone.

I had no idea you practiced.

Edamame: There’s a lot you don’t know about me.

Like the fact that you are “French?

Edamame: Wee.

Cannoli: Pierce, will you be my boyfriend?
Pierce Delgato: Yes.

Edamame: Way to seal the deal!

That’s not what that means.

Cannoli’s days are filled with schoolwork.

Hopefully, this makes her schooling more enjoyable.

Edamame: You know how cliché it is to have people named Food love cooking?

Yes, but I also love how ridiculous it is to name sims food names.

Pierce regularly comes over to help Cannoli with her homework.

Egg and Pierce are becoming fast friends too.

Cannoli started a study group. I’m hoping to eventually add most of the family to the group. Right now it includes Bacon, Cannoli, Daiquiri, Egg, Frosting, and Pierce Delgato.

What is happening in this picture?

Edamame: I was telepathically helping them with their homework. It was exhausting; I had to take a nap afterward.

Frosting had her birthday this week.

She rolled Self-Assured and I gave her the Social Butterfly Aspiration.

Edamame: Oh no, that will not do. She needs a makeover, pronto!

Her colors are white, and rainbow, to mimic white frosting with rainbow sprinkles.

Edamame: Much better. The legacy is saved!

You know the changes are superficial. Her DNA is the same.

Edamame: Super facial? I don’t care what DNA means, but this super facial thing I can totally get behind.

No, superficial. It means the changes are just on the surface, nothing substantial.

Edamame: Where have you been? The surface is all that matters.

Apologies, I forgot who I was speaking to.

Frosting is also fast becoming friends with Pierce.

Edamame: He’s so nice. If he does marry Cannoli and move into the house I wonder if that will change?

Are you wondering if you are a bad influence?

Edamame: I have no idea what you are implying.

The family doesn’t get out of the house that often, but they managed to make it to the Humor and Hijinks Festival.

Cannoli: I don’t know. I should really be at home studying. I have so much schoolwork.
Daiquiri: *breathes deeply* Can’t you just enjoy the night out?

Adzuki and Frosting immediately went to the souvenir stand.

Frosting: Let’s get the shirts, some bubbles, and the snow globe.
Adzuki: This is going to cost my right arm, kid.
Frosting: *giggles*

As things started to get underway Edamame told the story of Mike Wazowski.

Edamame: …in the end he learned laughter was better than screams…
Egg: Lame story, Mom.
Daiquiri: How is that a prank?

Edamame: Ungrateful brats!

Difficult dynamic with Edamame? I don’t believe it.

Edamame: I certainly don’t buy this. I am the most pleasant person there is.

Daiquiri decided to give it a try. She started telling a horrific tale.

Daiquiri: …nobody knew what would happen…
Egg: Is this going to get gross? I’m trying to eat.
Edamame: *enthralled*

Egg: *whines* Cheese Louise, Daiquiri! I’m eating!
Edamame: *enjoys Egg’s struggle*

Daiquiri: He is such a baby.
Egg: I can’t finish my food. It’s too gross.

Daiquiri started to tell another story. Egg left. She continued to loudly tell him her story as he walked away. At the table behind her Frosting was copying everything Daiquiri was doing and saying.

Daiquiri: Do you like giant robots?
Frosting: Do you like giant robots?

Daquiri: This story is NOT about giant robots!
Frosting: This story is NOT about giant robots!

Daiquiri: It’s the case of THE CRUSTACEANS!
Frosting: It’s the case of THE CRUSTACEANS!
Egg: *yells* Stop being gross!

Oh no, worlds collide. Do the Foods know Randy Johnson?

That seems like a highly inappropriate story for a kid to hear let alone retell.

Edamame: I have no idea who Randy Johnson is, but that story was hilarious.

This makes sense.

Cannoli tried to make some friends, but she couldn’t stomach watching Dina Caliente destroy her egg rolls.

Dina Caliente: *shoves food in face hole* I’m so hungry!
Cannoli: *averts eyes*

Edamame: Is she even chewing?

Daiquiri stealth farted by Bella Goth. It was so bad Bella gagged and dry-heaved and decided to go home early.

Daiquiri: *whistles to disguise the sound*
Bella Goth: *cough, cough, retch* Ugh, I can taste it!

Edamame: Maybe she should have been named Durian instead of Daiquiri.

Out of nowhere, Adzuki decided he likes to ski and wants to do more, or at least any skiing.

Adzuki: *cries* I don’t know why I’m crying. I just need to cry.

Edamame: Dear Plumbob, he’s like a hormonal woman!

Later, at home, Adzuki mentions to Edamame that he wants the family to go skiing. Edamame was completely understanding.

Edamame: Where is this coming from, Adzuki? You have been so weird lately.

Edamame: No one ever thinks of me and what I need.

I think you do enough of that for yourself.

Edamame: *stares*

Adzuki: *cries*
Edamame: *disgusted* Fine. I guess we’re going skiing.

Edamame: I want it noted that I cared enough to go skiing for my husband.

But only after he cried.

Adzuki finally gets his way and this pops up.

Edamame: That man is so aggravating.

The next day the family went skiing. They invited Bacon to come along. She made sure to dress appropriately.

Edamame: Where is your coat, Bacon? Why are you dressed in your formal wear?
Bacon: I wanted to feel the chickens.
Edamame: What chickens? There are no chickens.
Adzuki: Hey, hey, Daiquiri, I’ll race you to the top.
Daiquiri: Oh yeah sure. You start. *bored*

Excited I had the family use the ski lift to the top of the mountain. I was disappointed when they magically appeared at the top. EA squandered the opportunity to do something cool with the ski lift!

As soon as Adzuki put on his skis and started down the hill the rest of the family jumped back in the ski lift and rode it back down the hill. As you can see by his trip down the hill, he was a natural.

Adzuki: Oooh. Whoaaaa! It’s so slippery! Whoa! Are you guys having fun? Guys?

Once back down the hill, Adzuki met his family for a bite to eat. Daiquiri was struggling with the vending machines.

Daiquiri: Dad, can you help me with this?
Adzuki: You can’t steal it, Daiquiri, you have to put the money in it first.
Daiquiri: *grumbles*

Daiquiri: Gimme the stuff! *shakes machine*

Daiquiri: Give. Me. The. STUFF!

Daiquiri: Oh, that hurt.

Daiquiri eventually did “get the stuff” a ham and cheese sandwich. Looks like it was worth it.

Daiquiri: Why is it soggy?
Egg: Has anyone seen Cannoli?

Edamame: What if that machine had crushed her? What would happen to my legacy then?

You would still have three other kids in the house.

After studying all night, Cannoli needed to take 5 in a pile of snow.

Before heading home, Edamame had to make sure Adzuki wasn’t the only one with all the drama.

Her midlife crisis presented in a different way from Adzuki’s.

They hadn’t even taken their coats off yet.

Right there in the kids’ bedroom.

Edamame: I couldn’t help myself. Something comes over me every time I see his man-bun.

The kids’ bedroom though, that’s really gross.

While everyone was at work and school Daiquiri was up to mischief on the computer. She’s still waiting to hear back about her university applications.

This is a big DUH!

Not sure why this call came to Daiquiri, but the response seems on brand.

When the family came home, I found this monster spawned on the front lawn.

Egg: I… can’t… move…

Edamame: It was terribly painful. When we were finally able to separate it was like giving birth to an adult-sized baby.

Cannoli: Whacha doing, Daiquiri?
Daiquiri: Nothing. Mind your own biscuits and gravy!

I guess now we know what Daquiri was doing on the computer.

Perhaps Adzuki should get some tips from Daiquiri.

Daquiri’s birthday came and Edamame remembered to make a cake.

Daiquiri: *wishes* I hope I get a slice.

She didn’t. Edamame threw the cake in the garbage.

She rolled geek. I picked Public Enemy as her aspiration.

Edamame: Oh no, is she evil?

You know, she may end up with that trait eventually.

Edamame: She’s so beautiful though. And I don’t say that because she looks like me. I say it because it’s a fact. How could she be evil? It would be the same as having a delicious box of chocolate, but they are all filled with poop.

Well, that’s an unfortunate analogy.

Bacon could have just brought the gift with her.

Pregnant again. Maybe Adzuki should start wearing a hat.

Edamame: *cries*

Desperate to get that baby weight off, Edamame keeps doing her jazzercise every day.


Edamame: I have to keep exercising, someone called me fat. It’s not like I’m the size of a McDouble or anything. It’s just a little baby weight.

Your weight bar in CAS was maxed.

Edamame: How dare you weigh me! I feel so violated.

My game has that bug where acne never goes away if they age up to young adults with it. Poor Bacon has to live with adult acne and can not wash her face or cover it up.

Bacon: Guess what I got.

Edamame: Everyone knows to run when Bacon says, “Guess what I got.” She only ever has poopy fingers.

Cannoli received her final grades this week. Not bad at all.

Edamame: I see a B-. Maybe she should have stayed home to study.

She will still land a great position and higher pay.

Edamame: *sees dollar signs* All of the children must go to university! I demand it!

Edamame has discovered diet ice cream.

Edamame: It froze my brain, but it’s worth it if it melts the pounds.

Egg has a girlfriend, her name is Amie Kealoha. They like to makeout in his parents’ bedroom.

Egg asked Amie to the prom and she accepted.

Edamame: The way she accepted, it’s like she has nothing better to do.

Edamame and Adzuki both had a midlife crisis goal called dumpster life (something like that). Pretty sure that’s not going to be good for that unborn baby.

When they go home Adzuki became an elder. He didn’t get a cake.

He looks pretty happy though.

Edamame: I’m so glad he didn’t roll grumpy. I just don’t know if I could handle the negativity.


Edamame: I want to burn it all!

Nothing to see here, just Edamame’s regular fit of rage.

Edamame: So my emotional distress means nothing to you?

No, but it happens all the time.

Edamame: I can’t help being a sensitive person.


As soon as I bought her a new stove the fit immediately ceased. I’m not even sure why she needed a new stove, all she feeds her family is salad.

Edamame: I bake cakes.

I think you should just paint a picture of a cake and bring it out for every birthday.

Edamame: And burn the house down when the candles get lit. No thanks.

Edammae: Who did thi? This is disgusting! *retch* *gag*

And now Edamame won’t clean toilets.

Cannoli has been thinking of her future.

Edamame: She knows how important it is to continue this legacy. She could be heir after all. It might be time to get started.

Do you really think there will be room in the house for Cannoli to have a child?

Edamame: This is my last baby. I’m not having any more.

Like I haven’t heard that before.

Amie Kealoha called and asked Egg out on a date. Excited, he ran right over to the lot they were to meet at.

When Egg went in to order them some french fries, Amie went to the restroom and never came back. She just left him there.

Edamame: Ohhhhhh, dang! I don’t even know what to say about that.

When Egg got back home this was waiting for me.

Do you have anything to say about that?

Edamame: I’m pregnant, I can’t hold it as long anymore. The baby kicked my bladder and I lost control. I sneezed and the floodgates opened.

Never mind.

Frosting made a mess on the floor and had to sit in it for timeout.

Frosting: But it’s getting in my underwear.
Edamame: You should have thought of that before you made the mess.

Edamame: And when you’re finished cleaning that up you can go to bed.

Wow! Edamame doesn’t even look pregnant here. That diet ice cream works wonders.

Edamame: We will be keeping a carton of that in the freezer at all times.

Maybe now the kids can actually have some birthday cake.

Edamame: Not likely.

Later that night was Prom. Maybe that is why Amie bailed on her date with Egg. Gentleman that he is, Egg met Amie there for Prom.

I had so much trouble during Prom. Egg froze in front of the food tables with a plate of food for an eternity. When he finally got moving again he voted for Prom Royalty. Then it was the end of Prom. Worst prom ever!

Amie won Prom Royalty and Alexander Goth won Prom Jester.

Edamame: Did Amie vote for Alexander Goth? Where is her loyalty?

Everyone thought Egg should have gotten the votes for Prom Jester. I have no idea what the names are of anyone there.

White Jacket Dude: You totally should have gotten Prom Jester, Egg.
White Hat Dude: Remember that time Egg shot grilled cheese out of his nose? Classic.
Egg: *still holding a plate of food*

Edamame: Maybe they should have voted for him. He could have won then.

Amie refused to leave the stage.

Edamame: So she thinks she’s too good for my legacy now? What if we don’t want her in our legacy?

You keep telling yourself that, Edamame.

Daiquiri finally got her acceptance letter and started coursework right away.

Edamame: I also let her know that B’s are bad and A’s are acceptable.

That’s a lot of pressure.

Edamame: She can do it.

Edamame’s baby looks like it’s ready to be born, but that will have to wait for the next update.

I completely forgot to get the points totaled. I moved Bacon out without checking all of her skills and spending all of her aspiration points. Points will remain at 7 for now, until I can figure out how many were actually earned.

Family Points: 1 
Creative Points: 0
Fortune Points: 0

Love Points: 1
Knowledge Points: 6 
Athletic Points: 0
Nature Points: 0
Food Points: 1 
Popularity Points: 0

Deviance Points: 0
Parenthood Points: 0
Seasons Points: 0
University Points: N/A
Handicap Points: 1
Penalties: -3 

Chapter 9: Sticky Buns

Welcome back to the Food Family Legacy Reloaded. Last time Daiquiri and Egg aged into angsty teenagers and Edamame started adulting. And no one had cake. The Foods also added a new member to their home; a girl named Frosting. Points earned remains at 5. We earned no points last time because I was too focused on getting pictures.

During this week of play, I installed Growing together. I really should have waited to play so Frosting could have aged up into an infant first, but that is not what I did. Oh well, Edamame and Adzuki are trying to repopulate the world so I’m sure I will get a chance.

Edamame: No. Frosting is the last one. The last one! I don’t want anymore.

I don’t believe you.

I also decided that I would just say yes to all of the pop-ups I get. It’s fine, I’m sure everything will be fine.

This week Frosting become a toddler. She looks a lot like Edamame and Daiquiri. I am excited to get more diversity in this bloodline; I can’t wait to see what they will look like.

Edamame: What does that mean?

It means we have a limited gene pool right now and I am looking forward to seeing what the next generation will look like.

Edamame: Limited gene pool? Are you insulting me? I feel like I should be outraged.

You wake up outraged, Edamame, so that’s not surprising. But I am not insulting you. I’m just looking forward to future generations.

Edamame: I guess we bore you then, with our “limited gene pool.”

Can we move on, please?

Frosting got the independent toddler trait.

Edamame: Thank you! This one can do things alone. I need a spa day!

I don’t think you can afford a spa day.

Edamame: Well, aren’t you just full of positivity today?

Yeah, I’m positive you don’t have the cash for a spa day.

As soon as Frosting aged up, Adzuki started macking on Edamame again. What is with these two?

Edamame: It’s not his fault. I have strong post-natal pheromones.

She’s a toddler not a newborn.

Right now Frosting is sleeping in the living room because I don’t have room for a toddler bed in the girl’s bedroom. It’s not ideal, I’ve had to move the stereo to the household inventory so she can sleep. Why are my sims so obsessed with the stereo? And why can’t they listen to music and accomplish another task? If they can eat and poop at the same time, I think they should be able to listen to music and do homework, repair something, or chat with each other.

Two quirks were revealed!

I wonder if getting a dog would help with the messy eater food piles.

Edamame: No, absolutely not. No dogs. Disgusting creatures. They throw up furballs and kick litter everywhere. No.

That’s cats.

Edamame: Does it have four legs? The answer is still no.

Party pooper.

Speaking of pooping, Bacon is still helpless when it happens to her.


Bacon: STICKY BUNS! I HAVE STICKY BUNS!!!! (Food pun.)

Poor thing.

Edamame: Poor thing? Poor thing? How old is she? She’s a least a teenager by now. She should be beyond this.

Wait, you don’t know how old your daughter is?

Edamame: Do you know how many of them I have? How am I supposed to keep track?

The nanny, Pranav Trivedi, called to come for a stay. I said yes.

Edamame: I need to have a talk with Egg about people knowing their place. There is a difference between someone working for you and being your friend.

But the kids have good relationships with Pranav.

Edamame: He is the help. It is unacceptable.

The next thing I spotted was highly concerning.

Pranav Trivedi: Just hold still one second. *kiss*
Cannoli: What’s happening?

Pranav was making a move on Cannoli! I can not believe this happened. There were no flirty vibes happening. It’s almost like it was a family kiss, but Pranav isn’t a family member. I tried Googling it, but I didn’t find anything. Has this happened in anyone else’s game? I have no idea what happened or why.

Edamame: I can tell you what happened. That guy is a predator. He is trying to weasel his way into my legacy. And you know what else? We are not calling him back to nanny for us.

I have to say, I am kind of shocked by your reaction. I figured you would encourage anything that would get one of the kids married off and out of the house.

Edamame: I just vowed to never hire that nanny again and I have a toddler. That is how serious I am. I need a babysitter, preferably one that I don’t have to pay for. Besides, Cannoli is not Bacon. I mean she is, they just have different personalities. It’s like split personalities, but on the outside and with the same face.

What? I have no idea what you just said.

Edamame: You should try listening, I was perfectly clear.

No, it was word salad (food pun).

Edamame: I love salad. It’s the only thing I feed my family. Garden salad, fruit salad, Caprese salad, Caeser salad…

I get it, geez.

Pranav Trivedi: I thought they would have a spare bed when I invited myself here.

Pranav is sleeping on the porch. I thought he would bring his own sleeping bag, but apparently not.

Edamame: He deserves it.

As Pranav was getting settled, this guy showed up to tell me that my appliances were not in compliance and my bills would be higher. At least he’s not shutting the power off.

Edamame: Does he think we are made of money? How am I supposed to be able to afford higher bills? He looks at me and thinks I have it all, but he has no idea.

He didn’t even see you.

Edamame: No, I know what is happening here. He’s upset that I married Adzuki. He’s jealous. He may try to fight Adzuki for me.

Edamame, you live in a fantasy land.

Edamame: It’s possible.

Maybe, if you had met him before, but you hadn’t. You have been married for the equivalent of years now, you have five children, and bills that are higher than you can afford. You have a lot of baggage.

Edamame: How can you be so hurtful?

I thought I was being pragmatic.

Edamame: I have no idea what that word means. Does it mean you hurt other people’s feelings?

Daiquiri and Frosting seem to have a special connection. They play together really well when Frosting isn’t trying to ingest her dolls.

Frosting: I wuff yew, Dakwee.

The family hug might just be my favorite thing.

Edamame: Too bad this shot is destroyed by that terrible kitchen.

I can’t argue with you there.

Frosting: Bunny Man, I wuff yew.

And Bunny Day was this week.

The family has nearly completed the Decorative Egg collection.

My Sims Trophy collection is close too. I trying really hard. I need to complete a collection for Adzuki.

Edamame: Always Adzuki. Ask not what you can do for Adzuki, but what you can do for Edamame.

Wow, you did not just do that.

Edmamae: Mark my words, that will be quoted for decades.

Oh no. Adzuki is in the early stages of having a midlife crisis.

Edamame: What’s the big deal? I have one of those every other day and no one cares.

I am well aware.

He’s also having a difficult time with Daiquiri.

Edamame: Well, who isn’t? If it’s not about her then her life is over and she storms around the house.

Gosh, I wonder where she could have learned something like that.

Does this have something to do with his midlife crisis? I would have expected this from Edamame; Adzuki is a people pleaser.

Edamame: I am a very pleasant person!

I think you would poison someone.

Sigh… There it is.

And to go with that midlife crisis he now has the Erratic personality trait.

Edamame: Still enjoying that “say yes” policy?

Frosting and Adzuki having a great time together.

Until Adzuki brings out the flashcards. She is also sitting in her mess from earlier.

Adzuki: This is a frying pan. FRY-ING PAN!
Frosting: Yeah, I know dat. *rolls eyes*

Miss Independant doesn’t need help with flashcards.

Edamame: What’s wrong with the TV? Sit her in front of the TV with a snack and a drink. Freedom for two hours.

Mother of the year, everyone. *slow clap*

Edamame and Cannoli have a silly relationship. I like to think everyone tells each other poop jokes.

Edamame: You are so crass.

I’m right though, aren’t I?

Edamame: I will admit to nothing.

I knew it!

Paintings aren’t enough for you anymore?

Edamame: I’ve been thinking that we should get a juice fizzer.

You don’t have the space for one of those.

Edamame: We could get one of those tables and sell the juice.

Let’s maybe try a bake sale, first. Besides I’m not 100% convinced you won’t drink all of the juice.

Edamame: You never let me have anything!

That’s not true. I’ve let you have all the children you and Adzuki have wished for.


Edamame: I’m finally being recognized for the star that I am. This is why I think we should get the juice fizzer. Everyone likes a celebrity label; think of the money we could make.

You know, I’m still thinking you should start with a bake sale. Let’s put those cooking skills to work.

Edamame: Can I at least get a cupcake machine?

Again we run into that space issue. Why do you need a special machine for cupcakes? What is wrong with your oven?

Edamame: You don’t understand anything!

Love Day was a success for both Egg and Bacon.

Cannoli’s life right now is just homework and school.

This is not how you cook your family dinner.

Edamame: What is that? Those look like cake ingredients!

Don’t worry, it wasn’t cake. They wouldn’t dare.

Woot! I think the legacy gets another point if I add this to the two toddler skills not yet counted: Bacon and Cannoli’s movement skills were maxed as toddlers and not counted, added to this one makes three maxed skills!

I wish I could claim points for Cannoli’s good grades too.

To celebrate the end of term Cannoli decided to invite Pierce Delgato over.

He came right over. Daiquiri was there to make sure everything stayed PG.

Cannoli: *stares*
Pierce Delgato: *slightly uncomfortable*
Daiquiri: What do I do with my arm? Why do I feel so awkward?

Edamame: I don’t remember my teenage years.

*coughs* It’s uhh, probably better that way.

Edamame: Yeah, I probably had a lot of jealous enemies or stalkers.

Yeah, probably.

Cannoli has discovered the wonders of selfies.

Edamame: Why haven’t I been told of this wonderful thing?

Because you would put pictures of yourself all over the house.

Edamame: Is that not what this place is missing?

Showing Pierce her selfies.

Cannoli: I took these by myself on my phone! I can send them to you if you want.

Edamame: She is so desperate for his approval.

Good reputation! Cannoli has a solid start for Generation 2.

Edamame: *smiles with approval*

So you approve of Pierce Delgato?

Edamame: I don’t really know him, but if it means this legacy continues then yes, I approve.

So you just want your daughter to find anyone, not a special someone?

Edamame: Pretty much. She can’t afford to be picky, she won’t be a teenager forever.

Daiquiri keeps bringing home things that she swipes from school. We are going to have quite a collection.

Edamame: She keeps bringing home books like anyone has time to read them. Every time I have a spare moment you’re barking at me to paint or cook something so the family has food.

You will get your leisure time, Edamame, we are almost there.

Edamame: You’re lying. You’re going to make me paint until my fingers fall off or make me raise my grandkids.

Those are all wonderful ideas. Thank you.

Edamame: I hate you.


Daiquiri was able to graduate early from high school.

This guy from Henford-on-Bagley called with the news. I completely forgot his name but I’m wondering if he likes angry kleptos.

Edamame: Are you trying to pawn Daiquiri off on some stranger?

If she becomes heir she will need to have a spouse. I’m just saying we start looking.

Edamame: Well, if she’s going to be looking for a spouse she needs to fix that pizza face (food pun) first. No one will take her looking like that.

But she is worth more than her appearance.

Edamame: Well, that’s the biggest load of crap I have ever heard.

Daiquiri has been messing with Bacon.

Daiquiri: Hey, Bacon, have you ever smelled your fingers?
Bacon: What? No.

Edamame: What an odd question.

Daiquiri: You should do it. Go ahead, give it a try.
Bacon: *snnnniiiiifffff*

Edamame: Ugh, gross.

Daiquiri: So, what do you think?

Bacon: *cries* Oh no! Poopy fingers!

Daiquiri: *giggles* Now you have a poopy face.
Bacon: *cries harder*

Daiquiri finally got her revenge for the whole cake story when they were toddlers.

Edamame: *mouth open* I’m in awe. She’s an evil genius. I’m voting for her to be the heir.

You don’t get a vote.

Edamame: You know what? You take the joy out of everything!

That might be the nicest thing you’ve ever said to me.

Egg: Cannoli, do you ever wonder what it’s like when you die?

Egg has been doing big thinking in his spare time.

Cannoli: Uhh, I don’t have time for anything but school. So, no?
Egg: I want to be a ghost. I want to come back and haunt the legacy. Maybe my epithet should say,” Here lies Egg: He was scrambled.”

Edamame: Oh how disgusting and morbid… Can ghosts walk through locked doors? I need a ghost-proof room.

He’s a kid. Chances are he won’t die and come back to haunt you. You will die long before he will.

Edamame: Are you calling me old? How is that better?

Edamame: Well I’m not eating anything that she makes.

Probably a wise choice considering her history with poopy fingers.

At the end of the week, was the twins’ birthday. I decided to have a party at the new community lot in San Sequoia. Here they are arriving at the venue.

Bacon: I just gotta check my email. I’m waiting for one from me.
Daiquiri: Honestly, what is the point of having a party if you’re not going to get a freaking taste of the cake?
Cannoli: *texting Pierce Delgato*
Bacon: I tasted cake before.
Daiquiri: I don’t believe you; you’re nuts (food pun).

Edamame: Hahaha! It’s funny because it’s true and Daiquiri will never believe her.

Cannoli: *continues to text Peirce Delgato*

Everyone left Frosting to find her own way there.

Edamame: Look, it’s a dog-eat-dog world out there. She’s gotta learn that at some point.

Are we talking hot dogs? Because this is the Food Legacy.

Edamame: Your puns are boring.

No, you’re boring.

Edamame: Do you always have to say such hateful things to me?

Kyle Kyleson crashed the party, that guy knows how to party.

Egg: I won! Eggcellent! (Food pun! Everyone knew that was coming.)

Edamame: These food puns are getting old.

Don’t you worry, Edamame, I’m cooking up more. (Food pun!)

Ah, yes, the required Food Family party staple, the garden salad.

Edamame: You’re making fun of it, but salad can be delicious.

Yes, but other foods can be good too.

Edamame: Other foods will make you fat.

Edamame, have you looked in a mirror lately?

Edamame: *le gasp* How dare you!

Oh, no. you’re French again.

Edamame: It’s baby weight.

Another Food Legacy party classic is the burger cake.

Bacon: *bottom lip flapping*

Bacon had to do this twice because her first attempt was unsuccessful.

Edamame: Too much spit, not enough air.

Maybe it’s because I just installed it and everything is new, but the pop-ups in this game now are like traversing the internet without an ad blocker.

Seriously?! Bacon rolled Hates Children. That means she’s out of the running to be the heir. This is hugely disappointing to me. My two self-imposed rules are: 1. Anyone that rolls Foodie becomes heir, if there is more than one, we have a vote or my kids choose. 2. If they roll Hates Children they are out of the running because they need to have children for the next generation.

Edamame: I never wanted her to be heir anyway. We can’t have an heir with poopy fingers.

At least she’s responsible?

Sparkles and she’s a young adult. She looks so different!

Edamame: How?

Cannoli: I’m going to get them all on the first try.

She did too. It was a very wet first try.

Edamame: There was so much spit on that cake, I had no choice but to throw it away.

Sure, that’s the reason you tossed it.

Cannoli rolled Romantic. I think this is the last time I used Pinstar’s Trait and Aspiration generator. Since it has not been updated for the new expansion I will be just using the die button in the game to get a random trait. I will also select the aspiration myself.

The birthday was a success and no one had to clean up afterward.

Edamame: Maybe Kyle did.

Maybe he’s still plastered to the floor.

Since installing Growing Together I get this notification every time I start my game, anytime I come back from CAS, and anytime I go to another lot. Wonderful, can’t have a new Sims game with the required bugs. Competition would be great for this game, it would force them to actually put out a better product.

Family Points: 1 (Gen 1.)
Creative Points: 0
Fortune Points: 0

Love Points: 1
Knowledge Points: 6 (Bacon and Cannoli maxed Movement skills as toddlers and Cannoli maxed cooking as a teen.)
Athletic Points: 0
Nature Points: 0
Food Points: 1 (Edamame got fat)
Popularity Points: 0
Deviance Points: 0
Parenthood Points: 0
Seasons Points: 0
University Points: N/A
Handicap Points: 1
Penalties: -3 

Chapter 8: No Cake for You

Welcome back to the Food Family Legacy by the end of the last update Bacon and Cannoli aged into teenagers and Egg aged into a child. Poor Daiquiri stayed in her room because the celebrations were not about her. We’ve earned a total of 5 points so far for this legacy.

Sister hugs.

Cannoli still makes time for her sister, Daiquiri. These two have a really good relationship.

Bacon star gazes while Cannoli daydreams.

Bacon and Cannoli on the other hand still do things together, but their hearts just aren’t in it.

Edamame: Who can blame Cannoli, Bacon is terrifying to be around. And these pictures of them together still freak me out. I try not to be in the same room with them together. It’s like being surrounded by the same person.

You need therapy.

Bacon is bringing the funk cloud.

All three of the girls are scouts because Edamame needed a reason for them to get out of her hair on the weekends. As you can see, they are super excited to be going, or it could be that funk cloud that Bacon wraps around herself like a cloak. She still has “bathroom issues.”

Edamame: That girl is disgusting.

Right, because you’ve never had cleanliness issues.

Edamame: I have no idea what you think you are talking about.

Bacon: *snickers*

Speaking of Bacon, she’s been causing all sorts of trouble. She knows not to touch her mother’s easel, but sometimes she just can’t help herself.

Edamame: Oh no, you are not bringing this up.

Oh yes, I am.

Edamame: Did you see it?
Adzuki: Hold on, let me sit down for this.

Adzuki was the first to be subjected to her wrath, and he knows that the best way to deal with it is to just sit there and let it happen. The faster Edamame gets it out of her system the better it is for everyone.

Edamame: Someone used my easel for some joke painting!
Adzuki: Maybe you should take a nap.

Sometimes Adzuki does like to offer words of wisdom, but Edamame does not like to be told to take a nap like she is a child.

Edamame: Excuse me? I can’t help that I have strong emotions. I just care so much.

Adzuki: Are you going to speak to me again?

Sure, that’s why hours later you were still glaring at a blank TV and not speaking to your husband.

Edamame: I couldn’t even see the TV anyway.

All that blinding rage?

Edamame: I am a very pleasant person!

Edamame: Yoooooouuuuuuuuuu!
Cannoli: Wow, you’re really crabby. (Food pun!)

Later, as Cannoli and Daiquiri were working on a school project together Edammae spied Cannoli and mistook her for Bacon. Cannoli said the wrong thing.

Daiquiri: I’m gonna jet, I’ll be back to finish this later.

Daiquiri knows the way this cookie crumbles (food pun) and wanted to get out of dodge. Unfortunately, it was too late.

Daiquiri: *frozen in fear*
Cannoli: Whoa, Mom, I am not Bacon.

Slight overreaction, wouldn’t you say?

Edamame: I don’t remember this happening. I think you’ve conjured this with some new-fangled AI or something. You’re just trying to smear my good reputation. People love me and it makes you jealous.

Cannoli: I would stay out of Mom’s way today, Bacon. She is out for blood.
Bacon: Why? I didn’t do anything.
Egg: Sure.

When Bacon and Egg joined to help with the school project Cannoli warned Bacon that Edamame was on the warpath.

Edamame: The nerve of that one to claim she didn’t do anything when the evidence is right freaking there!!!

Edamame channeled all of her aggression into making dinner.

Daiquiri aged up when I wasn’t paying attention. When she rolled High Maintenance my neck lost the ability to support my head and my head hit my desk. I’m in TROUBLE. Not only does she look like Edamame, but she is also high maintenance like Edamame. I’m in for a world of hurt. I forgot to get a before picture, this is after the makeover.

Edamame: She’s absolutely stunning. I don’t say this because she looks like me; I say it because it’s true.

Daiquiri: siiiiiiiiiiiiiigh…

Daiquiri’s feelings were hurt.

Edamame: Big deal. She’s always upset on birthdays why should this one be any different.

Ah, there it is, that classic Edamame empathy.

Daiquiri: *grumbling* I’m never going to have a piece of cake.

Naturally, Daiquiri blamed her mother for her missed birthday.

Edamame: She is obsessed with cake. I fear for her future waistline.

Daiquiri: *out of shot* I guess there’s no cake for you too.

Then Edamame aged up into an adult. Look at the horror on her face. Delicious.

Edamame: My pain is always such a pleasure for you. It’s hurtful.

I know, it makes me cackle like a crazy person.

I think she had some sort of midlife crisis or something. She wants another baby and is super angry about it.

Edamame: I can have conflicting emotions. I’m a complicated person.

Daiquiri: Yikes! Let’s go, Bacon.

Seriously, these outbursts happen daily.

Edamame: No one respects me!

Bacon: Oh wow, the lighting in here is tragic.
Cannoli: Are we overdressed? Is prom a casual dance?
Daiquiri: Did anyone else expect more?

Because Edamame needed a nap we didn’t get pictures of the girls going to prom that night.

Edamame: Sure just blame everything on me. Adzuki is Mr. Perfect and can do no wrong in your eyes.

Adzuki was at work, making money so your power doesn’t get shut off again.

Cannoli: I just want you to know, even if a guy had asked me to prom I would have gone with you anyway.
Daiquiri: Same, girl, same.

Cannoli and Daiquiri chose to dance with each other and had the best time.

Bacon: Oh man, I look better than everyone here.

There were some curious prom clothing choices and Bacon was there to be judge and juror.

Edamame: Hard not to. How could their mothers let them out of the house looking like that?

I don’t know, maybe their mothers needed a rage-induced nap.

Bacon: *inhales deeply* I deserve this.

This took me by complete surprise. Bacon won Prom Queen. I am speechless. I had all the girls vote for each other. Does Bacon have some secret admirers? Bacon felt like she’s gotten her just desserts (food pun).

Edamame: This is absolutely shocking. Does she even have friends? She is constantly talking to herself and pretending it’s someone else.

That night she even slept in her crown. I wish there was a prom crown item I could put on a shelf or something. I want to display it.

Silver medal award, we received the silver gramophone.

Cannoli doing double duty.

No selfies on the toilet!

Edamame: I feel like that’s wrong, but also why not?

The next morning I decided to join the girls at school. They were all making A’s so I thought it couldn’t hurt. I sent them to a classroom to wait for school to start. Only it was the wrong classroom! So I tried to send them to the other one.

Daiquiri: Oh my llama, this is amazing.
Bacon: I like the poop.

Cannoli was the only one to go. Daiquiri was pranking the board and Bacon was just…watching, I guess.

Edamame: What deliquents! The poop is a nice touch.

Bacon: No, it’s not like that. We’re GOING to class.

When they finally got up to go to the correct room they got caught “skipping class” and were given detention!

Bacon: Stupid hall monitor.

Bacon took her aggressions out on the punching bag during lunch.

Cannoli: Are you a spell caster? Can you fly?
Pierce Delgato: Uh, no. I just really like tailored clothing.

Cannoli may have found herself a young man. Pierce Delgato. His sister has abnormally huge Disneyesque eyes, but his eyes seem to look proportional.

Edamame: We do not want any abnormalities popping up in this family. Any possible mates need to go through a rigorous inspection to avoid a situation where a child has some imperfection. Beauty and grace should be the motto.

Cannoli: You have such a beautiful smile.
Pierce: Oh, um…thanks.

Coming on strong there, Cannoli. Is it too strong?

Edamame: She should tell him about the legacy. To entice him.

She should absolutely not tell him about the legacy, they haven’t even been on a date yet. We don’t want to scare him off.

Due to Cannoli’s great grades, she was given the option to graduate early. I think the detention messed with Bacon’s grades, she went from an A to a C. Bacon did not get the option to graduate early.

Edamame: Too bad, I was hoping to send that one off to college. I wish I could have sent her to boarding school. My life is a tragedy, I do nothing but suffer for this legacy.

You should have been an actress.

Bacon: But I was just going to class.

Bacon on the other hand enjoyed an extra long school day with after-school detention.

Overachiever that she is I had Cannoli apply for university. She applied for the culinary arts at Britechester.

And this happened…

Edamame: You really are trying to kill me.

You and Adzuki have these wishes. I am just trying to make you happy.

Edamame maxed the Gourmet Cooking Skill. Max two more skills and we get another point.

Decorating the tree with the only food option, popcorn.

Winterfest came and the family bonded while decorating the tree.

Nighttime Winterfest lights and snow.

Winterfest lights and snow! Since I moved across the country I don’t get snowy winters anymore. I definitely enjoy them in the game.

Egg tried to sneak a present and was sorely disappointed.

Edamame: Sadness and lies. Welcome to life, kid.

Someone is a little upset.

Edamame: I’m not bitter, you’re bitter. Why do I have to be pregnant again?

Because it was what you wanted.

Edamame: Father Winter, are you really a father? I have three single daughters.
Adzuki: Underaged daughters.
Father Winter: Errrr, ummm. How about a gift?

Then it was time to schmooze with the big guy.

Nothing like trying to pawn your children off on someone else.

Edamame: I started to think it might be nice to have a child with the ability to give me gifts any time I asked. Like a gift-giving vending machine. And I think he should take Bacon with him to his cabin in the woods or where ever he lives.

I feel like maybe Bacon got the most coal-worthy gift out of the bunch. Upgrade parts are useful, but so was coal if you didn’t want to freeze to death.

Edamame: Hello, I’m in labor and I would like to check in. IF YOU CAN MAKE THE TIME!

Time for Edamame to have her baby. The receptionist was too busy with her phone conversation to bother.


Edamame may have been a little dramatic about the whole thing.

Edamame: Whatever, I grew this being that was bigger than my head inside my abdomen and it wanted out. I should have just sat on the floor in front of her desk and started my breathing exercises. I bet she would have gotten off the phone really fast then.

I think would probably pay to see that. Maybe you should have another baby.

Edamame: No, no, and NO! This is the last one.

If you say so.

Receptionist: Hello, ma’am, can I help you?
Edamame: Did you just call me ma’am?

Edamame: I think I may have blacked out there for a second. I just saw red, like my eyes were covered in blood.

Because she called you ma’am? She was being polite.

Edamame: She was calling me old. She was insulting me because I interrupted her chat.

Receptionist: I’m sorry, ma’am. I’ll be with you in a moment. Hello, this is the receptionist. How can I help you?
Edamame: *is speechless*

Edamame: There is no way that wasn’t on purpose! I should speak to her manager. I WAS STANDING RIGHT THERE!

By the time she actually gets checked into the room, Edamame is livid. Guess who took the brunt of her fury?

Edamame: Here we go. More, “Poor Adzuki, Edamame is so mean.”

Pretty much.

The baby is a girl named Frosting. She was born before the Growing together expansion came out so we will not see her as an infant. The Foods will experience that with the next generation.

My oldest daughter wanted me to name the baby Flesh, which was entirely too gross for me.

Edamame: Sounds like a serial killer name. Flesh Food.

Cannoli took right over with care for the baby.

Edamame: I say we let her raise this one, I’m done.

I’m not sure that’s a great idea. That milk she’s giving the baby doesn’t look the freshest.

Edamame: What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. You’ve gotta weed out the week while they are young.

That’s all kinds of messed up.

Uh oh, drama. This is the only indication that things are off with Egg. There has been no acting out of any kind. It’s kind of anti-climactic and disappointing.

Father Winter: *breathes deep* Smells like young girls.

And while all the new baby stuff is happening when we came back from the hospital I found Father Winter just standing in the girls’ bedroom all creepy-like.

Edamame: I’m sure he meant no harm. We should introduce him to Bacon.

Edamame and Adzuki snuck away to have a private moment while Cannoli was taking care of Frosting.

Unbelievable. I have no words. They literally just had a baby.

Cannoli eating cannolis.

For Night on the Town Day/Night, Bacon and Cannoli went to the local coffee shop and had some cannolis.

Edamame: I don’t know, this feels wrong somehow. Like cannibalism or something.

Well, she devoured it and loved it.

Edamame: Now she’s tainted and can’t be the heir! We can’t have cannibals in this legacy! Now everything is ruined!

Well, I’m totally leaning toward Cannoli being the heir so I think you’re stuck with it.

Edamame: Sure Bacon is not going to be heir, but what about Daiquiri or Egg or even Frosting?

We will see.

After the girls went home, I sent Edamame and Adzuki out for a night on the town also. I had Edamame order a cannoli for old time’s sake and she totally swiped someone’s ‘Mericano. She did not order that!

Edamame: Well, I didn’t want the cannolis. I don’t eat people.

Edamame: *enjoys stolen coffee*
Penny Pizzazz: *glares*

Penny Pizzazz does not look happy. I think we know whose ‘Mericano Edamame stole.

Edamame: She doesn’t know I didn’t order that. Everything was free she didn’t lose any money.

Sometimes it’s just the principle of the thing.

Penny Pizzaz: You see that, Arun?
Arun Bheeda: Oh, I saw that, Penny.

This does not look good for Edamame. Hopefully, they don’t know where you live. That is some serious side-eye.

Edamame: It’s my fame. We are going to need to put in a gate at the house, and I’ll need an around-the-clock security team. Probably should get an armored car too.

Wow, that went from 0-60 in 2.5 seconds.

Edamame: I am this legacy right now. You need me. You should be concerned enough to keep me safe.

Actually, you’ve had plenty of children. If you died, the legacy would still live on. I would just need to go with Plan B.

Edamame: You have a Plan B, in case I die‽

Not the interrobang again.

Does she see me? I think she sees me. Edamame isn’t the only one that can break the fourth wall!

Egg: Aww man, now I’m sweaty.

I’ve really bombed on this whole birthday thing. Poor Egg, he didn’t get cake either. No cake for anyone. Those ears have got to go.

Taking inspiration from scrambled eggs, his favorite colors are yellow, brown, and white.

Edamame: Those colors sound like dog vomit. Why would you do that?

Because I like to torture you. It is my life’s purpose.

I will leave you with this painting by Bacon. I’m pretty sure she aspires to be the next Hieronymus Bosch, or this could be her interpretation of a cordyceps zombie from The Last of Us.

The legacy didn’t earn any points this time. I am absolutely nailing this legacy challenge. At least we didn’t lose points this week. I should just play like this Rage to Riches style. Sometimes I get more focus on trying to get points over taking pictures for the story.

Family Points: 1 (Gen 1.)
Creative Points: 0
Fortune Points: 0

Love Points: 1
Knowledge Points: 5
Athletic Points: 0
Nature Points: 0
Food Points: 0
Popularity Points: 0
Deviance Points: 0
Parenthood Points: 0
Seasons Points: 0
University Points: N/A
Handicap Points: 1
Penalties: -3 

Chapter 7: Eggs and Bacon

Welcome back to the Food Legacy Reloaded. We are a week away from the next Sims expansion pack, Growing Together and I am excited! I can’t wait to try it out with the Testys.

Last time Daiquiri aged into a child and gained the Kleptomaniac Trait. We lost more points due to unpaid bills. and I forgot to add Daiquiri’s maxed toddler skills to the score. Let’s adjust that now.

Family Points: 1 (Gen 1.)
Creative Points: 0
Fortune Points: 0

Love Points: 1
Knowledge Points: 4
 (Edamame and Daiquiri earned additional skill points.)
Athletic Points: 0
Nature Points: 0
Food Points: 0
Popularity Points: 0
Deviance Points: 0
Parenthood Points: 0
Seasons Points: 0
University Points: N/A
Handicap Points: 1
 (extreme start)
Penalties: -3 (unpaid power bills)

Cannoli: Who’s the cutest baby in the world?
Egg: *baby sounds*

Cannoli is great with the baby. She is always entertaining him and checking on him.

Edamame: I think she should raise this one because I am exhausted.

Cannoli is just a child.

Edamame: SIGHHHHHHHHHHHH, You ruin everything.

Cannoli: Uhhh, I don’t think I should try to change you. I’ll get Mom.

One thing she doesn’t do is change diapers.

Edamame: That is one thing I think she should do. I feel like I do everything for everyone all the time. SIGGGGGHGHHHHHHHHH…

Poor you. You’re so overworked and no one appreciates all the work you do.

Edamame: I know. My life is a tragedy.

Bacon: Why does she get to take a nap on the floor, but when I want to I get in trouble?
Adzuki: *ignores stupid question*

It’s just a normal night in the Food house. Edamame served dinner on the TV stand and promptly passed out on the floor.

Edamame: I can’t believe you take and post pictures of me when I’m at my most vulnerable.

But those are the best pictures to post.

Adzuki wants another baby.

Edamame: I think he’s trying to kill me.

You always think someone is trying to kill you; usually one of your children.

Edamame: People are jealous of me. I can’t help that.

Bacon: Uhhh, I was just in here doing my homework. Yeah. Uhhh, do you know where Cannoli is?

*cringe* awkward walls-down shot. Edamame peeled herself off the floor and went to take a nap in her bed, but Bacon was in her bedroom.

Edamame: She was doing something nefarious in there!

Don’t you think you are being overly dramatic?

Edamame: No. I think she wiped her poopy-fingers on my pillow!

Eww, gross.

Two places at once!

The day finally came for Egg to become a child. Classic Sims bugged out on me, so enjoy these pictures.

Side view.

Aerial view.

Then Baby Egg merged with Big Boy Egg and everything was right with the world again.

Edamame: I think he’s a time traveler. He’s here to save us all.

Save you from what?

Edamame: How should I know? He can’t talk yet.

Good point.

Egg: Egg like diaper!
Adzuki: Well, Daddy doesn’t like diapers, so we use the potty.

Adzuki got right on the potty training skill. No one likes diapers. No one but Egg that is.

Egg: *chanting* Bacon and Egg. Bacon and Egg.

He has more important things to do like following Bacon around chanting, “Bacon and Egg. Bacon and Egg.”

Bacon: Just do as I say and this project will be a masterpiece.
Cannoli and Daiquiri: Yes, ok.

Bacon likes to take lead on the school projects they bring home. She sits and tells Cannoli and Daiquiri what to do while she supervises and makes suggestions. She’s a master of manipulation.


Edamame: What did I do now?

It’s what you DIDN’T do that’s the problem! You didn’t pay the bills again.

Edamame: Well, we’ve already lost all the points that are going to be deducted so what’s the big deal now? Besides, I didn’t have the money. Someone made the house too big.

Yes, the house is a problem. Maybe we should tear it all down and go back to the good ol’ days of lawn livin’. Or maybe you and Adzuki could maybe not have more children.

Edamame: Look, I have been offering to get rid of Bacon, but you won’t listen to me.

Yeah, what’s new?

Apparently swiping dirty dishes is the responsible thing to do. A thief with a conscience.

Edamame: The least she could do is swipe something we can hock for some cash.

Mystery Kid: I’m just gonna paint a mural here on this floor.

Someone invited a friend home from school who did the most unfriendly of things. He destroyed the school project the girls were working on and painted the floor. If only we could have entertained this kid with video games…

Bacon: Oh no! My beautiful art!

Bacon was heartbroken when she saw the destruction.

That night, thanks to the power being shut off, the girls were visited by a monster under the bed.

Cannoli: Yay, we did it! Daiquiri: It looks great!
Bacon: Yes, yes, yes. I did a great job directing you.

Edamame painted through the night to get the money to pay their bills. But in the morning the lights and water were back on. The girls were able to restart and finish their school project.

Edamame: No one thanked me for getting the lights back on.

Did anyone thank you for having them shut off?

Edamame: …

Bacon: Dinner wasn’t that great, Mom. Maybe next time you can try adding some flavor? Edamame: *debates murder*

Bacon is still up to her old tricks. Finding her mother’s weaknesses and exploiting them.

Edamame: This girl is the bane of my existence.

Daiquiri: Do I have to? This uniform is itchy.

Edamame: I had them join the scouts hoping it would teach them something.

Because that’s not a parent’s job.

Edamame: Do you know how many kids I have? I can only spend so much time with each one.

Egg birthday transformation.

Then it was birthday time. We had three birthdays on the same day. No, we did not attempt a birthday party, but Edamame did make a cake.

Edamame: Who has the money to throw away three cakes when one will do? You just keep adding candles.

Generous of you.

Daiquiri feeling sorry for herself.

Daiquiri didn’t see the point in joining the celebration. After all, it wasn’t about her and it was not like she was going to get a piece of cake.

Edamame: All she does is feel sorry for herself. It is SO tiresome. I mean, does every waking moment need to be about you? Why are you so quiet?

No reason. Just listening.

Bacon’s got quite a look.
Cannoli had an unfortunate look.

Edamame: No one can leave the house looking the way they do.

I don’t know. Do we really think they need makeovers?

Edamame: Bacon looks like a fashion victim and Cannoli looks like a plain doughnut. This legacy will end with generation 2! It’s all over.

Fine, you win.

Bacon v 2.0

Edamame: Oh Llama, look at that pizza face. Food pun!

Poor Bacon, her face looks painful.

Edamame: You know why she looks like that? She ate a slice of cake.

Cannoli v 2.0

Edamame: She looks just like me. She’s beautiful.

Self-compliment much?

Edamame: What? I said SHE was beautiful, not me.

Sure you did.

Oops, I forgot to get a makeover pic of Egg. I decided everyone should be dressed in colors inspired by their food name.

Edamame: Oh, you sure you want this slice of cake?
Bacon: I just want to taste it.

Bacon pestered Edamame about having a slice of cake all night. Fed up Edamame finally gave in.

Edamame: You just ended that sentence in a preposition, that’s not acceptable.

Back off grammar-nazi! I do what I want!

Edamame: You know that’s not a good idea before bed.
Bacon: *tastes sugar*

Edamame: Oh wow, two bites, and that cake was gone.
Bacon: Don’t judge me, old lady. I’ve seen you gain a few pounds.

Wow, what an exchange. Do you need some burn cream, Edamame?

Edamame: I don’t know what you are talking about.

Egg was attempting to sneak out of his room to sneak a piece of cake, but heard his sister’s comment to his mother and decided against it. Smark cookie (food pun).

Let’s total up the points we’ve earned so far.

Family Points: 1 (Gen 1.)
Creative Points: 0
Fortune Points: 0

Love Points: 1
Knowledge Points: 5
 (Egg earned an additional skill point for maxing three toddler skills.)
Athletic Points: 0
Nature Points: 0
Food Points: 0
Popularity Points: 0
Deviance Points: 0
Parenthood Points: 0
Seasons Points: 0
University Points: N/A
Handicap Points: 1
Penalties: -3 

Chapter 6: You Have Egg on Your Face

Welcome back to the Food Family Legacy! Last time Daiquiri became a toddler and the twins aged up into children. We found out Edamame was expecting her fourth child because Adzuki loves to see his woman pregnant. At the end of the last chapter, the legacy had a total of 4 points.

Edamame: Ughhhhh, why did I do this again?

Right out of the gate, Edamame was not having a great time.

Edamame: That’s an understatement if I’ve ever heard one!

She maxed her painting skill! One more skill and the legacy gets another point.

Bacon loves diving in the trash for Voidcritter Cards.

Edamame: That’s why she always stinks.

And I thought that was you.

Edamame: Har, har.

Bacon: What is that smell? Did you forget to shower?

Bacon is always giving Edamame a hard time.

Edamame: OH NO YOU DIDN’T!

Edamame is not playing this game.

Bacon: Oh, Mama, I’m really sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings.
Edamame: *does not believe her*

I don’t know, Bacon might be a bit of a sociopath.

Edamame: Might be?

Bacon: Uhhhggggghhhh, that looks terrible!

I think Bacon just likes to upset the pregnant lady.

Edamame: She likes to cause me distress. She told me I dress inappropriately for a pregnant woman. I told her when she’s pregnant she can tell me how to dress. You know what she said to me?


Edamame: She said, “Deal.” What is that supposed to mean?

She is going to be a teenager soon, right?

Edamame: Oh no…

Bunny: *baby talk* Awww, Heh-whoa in dere widdle baby.

Egg Day came and went. The family started their collection of eggs.

Daiquiri: PIZZA!!!
Edamame: Awww, she’s naming her blocks legacy names.

It seems the children understand the legacy from a very young age.

Edamame: I have to prepare them. Also, I need to see what kind of names they are thinking of. I can’t let this legacy go to someone they want to name Spam. That just won’t do.

Thanks. I’ll add that to my list of name options.

Edamame: You are the absolute worst.

Spam is looking like the perfect name for the letter S.

Daiquiri: I wuff yew, Bewwee!

Daiquiri Is super cute when she wants to be. Just don’t catch her in the wrong mood.

Bacon: Oh no! What is happening to my body? Is this normal? Is this even natural?

Every time Bacon uses the bathroom she has an existential crisis.

Edamame: I’m sure everyone on the island can hear her screaming. She is so loud it echoes through the house.

Well, what can be done to help her?

Edamame: Her? What about me? I think we should send her off to someone else’s house. Where does your simself live?

Nice try, but I have not put my simself in the game yet. I’m waiting for later when the worlds need an infusion of sims.


Bacon: Poopy Fingers! I’m gonna touch you with my Poopy Fingers!!!

Edamame: She does really love to play tag with the other kids. She is always chasing them around the house.

I don’t think she playing tag, Edamame. You might want to sanitize the house.

Bacon: Daddy is so ugly he should wear a bag over his face!
Adzuki: Ignore her. She will get bored if I don’t engage.

This is how most of Adzuki and Bacon’s interactions go. She will say something rude and he will turn away and ignore her.

Edamame: If only it were that easy for me. I’m getting Jello flashbacks.

Don’t you always say someone reminds you of Jello?

Edamame: What are you talking about. I’m not overreacting!

I wouldn’t dare think of it.

Cannoli: I like it when you’re nice to me, Bacon.
Bacon: Noted.

These two are two peas in a pod (food pun). They are always playing together, or in Bacon’s case apologizing.

Bacon: Oh, dear sister, I am so sorry I was rude to you. Please forgive me.

Edamame: Why do you have so many pictures of them together? It’s like seeing the same person from two different angles. It’s creepy.

Bacon: HIYA!
Edamame: Watch it, little girl, or I will safe-surrender you at the police station.

Sometimes things turn violent.

Edamame: That little monster. I can’t wait until she is out of my house.

How do you know she will be leaving? She may be the heir.

Edamame: Shut your mouth! She will not be the heir or this legacy will be doomed! DOOMED I SAY!

If only she had a parent to help her channel her instincts in a better way.

Their relationship has taken a bit of a hit.

Adzuki: That’s why I dreamt I was sleeping next to a cactus.

In the late stages of her pregnancy, Edamame really started to let herself go.

Edamame: You try bending over to shave while having a 15-pound parasite living inside you.

Edamame, NO!

Edamame: What? We didn’t have the money. Adzuki is really slaking on the programming skill. This is his fault.

We just lost two more points!

A glorious Food masterpiece.

Edamame’s first masterpiece! It’s so fitting that it was a carrot. Unfortunately, I had to sell it so the bills could be paid. It was very painful.

Bacon and Cannoli: CHEEEEEEEESE!

Edamame: *shudders* I can’t look. It’s like living with the Red Rum twins, you just don’t know where they are going to show up to corner you.

That’s the third one, the legacy gets another point! We need it after losing two.

Edamame: STOP BLAMING ME! It’s not my fault.

Daiquiri: *throws fit*

This does not bode well. Daiquiri is a fit thrower, just like her mother. Wonderful, how did I get so lucky.

Edamame: The world could use another one of me. I’m a gift.

Daiquiri and her permafrown.

Daiquiri is Edamame’s mini-me in looks and temperament.

Edamame: Are you calling me cute?

Uhhh, no. No, not at all. Just that the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. (Food pun!)

Edamame: You’re food puns are getting old.

You’re just jealous you haven’t thought of one.

Edamame: Someone is going to need to clean that up.

Edamame’s water broke, and she was in labor again.

Bacon: WAIT! EVERYBODY STOP! How did Mom get a baby in there?

Oh, I think I should leave this one alone.

Johnny Zest: Oh, what did that little girl put in the trashcan? *large sniff* Smells like home.

He doesn’t even live in Windenburg!

Edamame: It’s my fame. He’s probably a fan and wanted to have a little piece of something that I tossed out. It’s kind of cute.

No, it’s not. It’s gross.

Adzuki: How about cappuccino, or coffee?
Edamame: How can you still not understand this?

Adzuki is still set on naming a baby cappuccino. Too bad.

Edamame: That man is denser than a bran muffin. THERE! Food pun!

What? Do you want a cookie? (Food pun.)

Edamame: AHHHHAHAHHRGH!!!!!!

My kids picked Egg as the name for this baby. Now that I think about it, I should have named him Espresso for Adzuki.

Edamame: Oh, Adzuki this. Adzuki that! You always want to do something for Adzuki. What about me?

What about you? You should shower, you stink.

Edamame: Rude!


Edamame: Calling me names is uncalled for and cruel.

Certainly is fun, though.

Edamame: Once you blow out the candles we can throw away the cake.
Daiquiri: I eat cake!

Poor Daiquiri didn’t get to eat this cake either.

Edamame: I am saving their waistlines! They will thank me when they are older.

*sad trombone*

Makeover time!

Daiquiri: I feel like my true self.

And I forgot to get her new trait and aspiration. I’ll put that up in the next post.

Let’s total up those points.

Family Points: 1 (Gen 1.)
Creative Points: 0
Fortune Points: 0

Love Points: 1
Knowledge Points: 3
(Edamame earned an additional skill point.)
Athletic Points: 0
Nature Points: 0
Food Points: 0
Popularity Points: 0
Deviance Points: 0
Parenthood Points: 0
Seasons Points: 0
University Points: N/A
Handicap Points: 1
(extreme start)
Penalties: -3 (unpaid power bills)

Edamame earned an extra point this week, but caused a 2-point penalty by NOT PAYING THE BILLS AGAIN! Thus, there is a net loss of one point! Luckily, we have reached the max for the penalty points.

Chapter 5: Missing Time

Welcome back to the Food Family Legacy Reloaded where nothing goes to plan and my sims try to destroy my sanity.

I apparently forgot to take pictures of the time Daquiri was a baby or my computer ate them. Either way, I don’t have pictures. Instead, let’s flash forward to after Daquiri’s birthday. It was a time of stress, a time of torture, a time when the house was full of toddlers…

Edamame, Bacon, Cannoli, and Daiquiri.

Saying I had no pictures was a bit of an exaggeration. I do have one, just one.

Edamame: Bacon has this obsession with watching Cannoli use the potty. It’s disgusting.

Watching is learning and it helps decrease the time you have to potty train her.

Edamame: Well, why didn’t you say so to begin with? Let’s record that and play it all day!

Adzuki: Everything sucks!

While I was distracted by the toddlers and trying to make Edamame happy (an impossible task), Adzuki went outside by himself and became an adult. He was not happy and who can blame him. His wife forgot his birthday.

Edamame: I like how you’re blaming this on me like you have no responsibility at all.

He’s not my husband.

I kid you not when Adzuki was putting Bacon to bed this came up.

Edamame: Clearly, the man is having a midlife crisis.

Maybe he just loves seeing you pregnant.

Edamame: *shudders*

Food for thought. (Food pun!)

Adzuki: If you go on the potty you won’t need to wear diapers anymore.
Cannoli: *watches and learns*

Then one day everything changed and I suddenly had three toddlers in the house. Boy, did things get crazy then! Pottys always needed cleaning. A toddler always needed to be fed. Someone was always crying (usually Edamame).

Edamame: It seems like only yesterday Daiquiri was a baby. Time flies.

Oh, shut up, Edamame. You wouldn’t even know with all of your “running to work” because you need a “break” from the kids.

Edamame: Look, my mental health is important.

That’s actually not a priority for me.

Edamame: That not was when truck.

Maybe you should have taken a mental health day off of work. You look a little… insane.

Toddlers: Daddy, Daddy, Daddy!

This house is never quiet.

Edamame: It’s like being around a bunch of birds, constant squawking.

They are learning to talk; they need to practice.

Edamame: What about my needs?

Cannoli and Daiquiri poop together in silence.

Have you ever visited someone with cats and when you walk into their house you were hit by a wall of odor because they don’t change the kitty litter like they should? Edamame doesn’t have cats, but she does have toddlers and dirty potties. The air is THICK in this house.

Edamame: It’s not my fault. Potties aren’t empty very long. And when and I supposed to take time for myself?

Naptime. Naptime is your time, Edamame. When they are awake it must be about them.

Edamame: SSSSSSSSSIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! The whole time they’re awake?

Cannoli: No, Mommy, no!

When Edamame does spend time with her children it usually looks like this. She thinks playing with them is turning them upside-down and shaking them.

Edamame: Yes, and when something comes out of them, they don’t want to play anymore. Win, win. They get playtime and I get me time.

Edamame: I don’t know what I am mad about, but I’m mad!

This happens every single day, multiple times a day. She will be happy and then suddenly she’s storming around the house screaming and having a meltdown.

Edamame: Why can’t you understand how hard my life is? Do you see the size of that TV? And I don’t even have a Christmas Tree. Don’t I deserve more and better?

Yes, Edamame, you’re life is the absolute worst. You might as well be living on your lawn without a toilet still.

Edamame: I hate it when you do that.


Art therapy?

After her rampages, Edamame goes to her canvas and creates these “works of art.”

Edamame: I empty my soul onto the canvas. It helps.

What do you call that one there?

Edamame: The beast under your bed. I took it from the Metallica song “Enter Sandman.” I sing my kids to sleep with it.

Edamame: See. I am a good mother.

Your kids must be making so many happy memories of their childhood.

Sleeping peacefully?

I think we now know why the toddlers only take short naps throughout the day and night.

A very festive house.

By New Year’s Eve, I was able to give the toddlers more toys and a bigger TV for Edamame. Adzuki went a little overboard on the house decorations.

Edamame: I still have that hideous kitchen though.

Honestly, I have to leave you something to complain about because there is just no pleasing you.

Edamame maxed her cooking skill!

Edamame: Yes! I won this legacy!

But you didn’t, you just maxed a skill.


No one does. You never complain about it.

Bacon: Fanks for food, Mama!
Daiquiri: *eats* Potties: *stink*

Even though Edamame has maxed her cooking skill this is how she feeds her children. She just puts the plate on the floor by the potties and yells, “FOOD!”

Edamame: Well, when you say it like that it sounds terrible. At least they are getting something to eat. It’s not like we have a table to eat at and who wants to use those highchairs? I can’t figure those things out they are the worst invention.

I highly agree about the highchairs. We don’t want a toddler taken away by Social Services because they get stuck in there.

Edamame: But… Maybe they do need a place to eat…

Bacon: Wook, pwitty, Mama!
Edamame: No, it’s not pretty, it’s a mess.
Daiquiri: *loudly rips one*

The kids found Edamame’s paints. She was not happy.

Side Note: I thought Sims are supposed to be “smarter” in the Sims 4. Why don’t they take off their winter wear when they come in the door?

Edamame: This is a picture of me in my coat. Are you calling me stupid?

Do you think you’re stupid? Sounds like you might.

Edamame: Wait. What? Are you gaslighting me?

Edamame: Grumbles about life.
Adzuki: Someone has a birthday today!
Cannoli: Is it me? Is it my burdday?

It was the twins’ birthday and I decided to have a birthday party.
Why? Why did I think this was going to be a good idea? Edamame stormed around the house in a terrible mood.

Edamame: Well, no one thinks about me at these things.

That’s because they are, in fact, not about you.

Edamame: How can you say such hurtful things to me like that?

Because it’s the truth.

Edamame: If the truth equals pain, then I don’t want anything to do with it.

Well, that’s been evident since the very first legacy we tried.

Edamame: Can you just keep it down? I can’t think!

She then decided to go have it out with poor Berry in the other room.
I’ve decided to use names of previous Food Legacy sims for things sims can name, like Berry.

My game crashed right when the party started so I had to do it all over again. This happened multiple times.

The “new” kitchen is still disgusting.

This time I moved the kitchen around so I could fit two counters.

Edamame: There still isn’t a sink.

Nope, didn’t have the funds for that. If only someone could produce paintings that could be sold for cold hard cash.

Edamame: It’s always up to me.

Now you’re getting it.

Bacon: I can’t wait to have cake. I ne’er has cake ‘efore.
Canniloni: Yeah, I eat cake too!
Daiquiri: I wan’ cake!

The toddlers were all very excited about the upcoming celebration.

Bacon: You can’t. Cake is onwy for burdday. It’s not you burdday.
Daiquiri: Awwww…
Cannoli: I get cake!

Then things started to go south.

Bacon: *sigh* Burdday cake is going to tase so good. I wish you can has some.
Daiquiri: *cries*

Bacon is a deviant little thing.

Adzuki: *deep breath* Peace and quiet.

Adzuki ate his breakfast outside, but inside the house was chaos.

Edamame: Two kids were excited and would not shut up and one would not stop crying because it wasn’t about her!

Huh. Sounds oddly familiar.

Bacon: pfffffffff. YAY! I can’t wait to tase it!

Edamame: She spat all over that thing. I had to throw it out.

So no one had a piece of cake?

Edamame: Ew, no! Besides, do you know how many calories there are in a slice of cake? I’m not making everyone fat.

I’m using Pinstar’s Random Trait Generator to find traits. Bacon rolled Erratic and the social aspiration.

Bacon: Yes! I’ve aged up into a C student.

This is before her makeover.

Then it was Cannoli’s turn. She received Cheerful and the creativity aspiration.

Cannoli: Things can only get better from here.

Ignore the two cakes in the background. I had to play the party three times. It was all very difficult, mostly thanks to Edamame screaming about how awful her day is all the time. It’s a good thing she is necessary for this challenge otherwise I would make her live out her life in a small room with no doors.

Edamame: *LE GASP* How could you even say that!

It’s so very, very easy at this point.

Bacon and Cannoli after their makeovers.

Edamame: It’s so creepy how they literally have the same face!

Uhhh, they’re twins.

Edamame: But does that mean they have to be the same person in two different bodies, at the same time‽

They aren’t, they have different personalities.

Edamame: Hrmph. I can’t tell the difference.

I wonder why.

The party was a huge disappointment. During one version I actually got a silver medal, but during this party, the power was shut off because Edamame forgot to pay the bills.

Edamame: Sure, my fault.

Oh, I forgot to mention Edamame is pregnant again.

Cannoli: I guess we’re having chicken instead of cake.
Daiquiri: Whah, no one tase cake?

Edamame: I made them a meal and they still complained about it.

You threw away the birthday cake.

Edamame: Yeah. You won’t get fat. YOU’RE WELCOME!

Daiquiri: I wan’ CAKE!

Daiquiri was quite unhappy about the no-cake thing and showed her displeasure by throwing her food. Maybe things will be different for her birthday.

Edamame: Doubtful.

Are you going to forget to pay the bills again?

Edamame: Not my fault!

That’s all I have for this update. Join me next week when we will have another baby in the house and another birthday!

Let’s total up those points.

Family Points: 1 (Gen 1. I don’t actually get the point for Gen 2 until they become young adults.)
Creative Points: 0
Fortune Points: 0

Love Points: 1
Knowledge Points: 2
(Bacon and Cannoli each maxed 3 toddler skills.)
Athletic Points: 0
Nature Points: 0
Food Points: 0
Popularity Points: 0
Deviance Points: 0
Parenthood Points: 0
Seasons Points: 0
University Points: 0
Handicap Points: 1
(extreme start)
Penalties: -1 (unpaid power bills)

I’m a little unclear on how to deduct the penalty points, the posted rules are a little confusing. It looks like penalties don’t exceed -3 points, but then it says -1 point each time. I’m going to cap it at -3 points because each category has a point cap.

Chapter 4: Baby Blues

Welcome back to yet another installment of The Food Family Legacy Reloaded. I know, it’s the fourth update, it’s weird, right? Are you expecting me to disappear again? Let’s hope not. I’m hoping to get through this legacy.

Last time Edamame went into labor and brought home two babies for the price of one.

Edamame: That’s the opposite of a bargain.

I won’t argue with that, Edamame. Two babies are more costly than one.

Edamame: You could say double.

Yes, you could say that.

Edamame: They are also double the work.

Ahh, before this turns into another list of all of your hardships why don’t we just get on with the update.

Adzuki: Who’s a pretty baby?

When it’s time for work Edamame RUNS out the door. When she gets angry she RUNS to work; I don’t even get to cancel it! It’s a good thing Akiko is so hands-on (this time). Otherwise, those babies would be on their own! I’m pretty sure if she could Edamame would surrender her kids.

Edamame: I put in all that time growing those little beasts, I deserve a vacation!

Side Note: That high-maintenance trait is KILLING me! Edamame is constantly angry, and randomly having, “The worst day ever!” And don’t let me get started on the meltdowns that come out of nowhere. Edamame is a toddler!

Edamame: You have no idea what my life is like and how hard I have it.

What about Poseidon’s kiss, Edamame? That is always giving you a red moodlet.

Edamame: Ugh, Llama nuggets! It’s so gross! I think it’s the toilets.

I think it’s you. You plop instead of swish. You need to eat some fiber.

Adzuki: YES! This rocks!

I decided to reward Adzuki for being such an attentive father by buying him a console game.

Edamame: *LE GASP* I can not believe you. What about all of the time I put into those kids?

Did you not get a bigger house?

Edamame: The house is for everyone; I mean something just for me?

Like a husband that takes care of your children so you can run away to work?

Edamame: …

Sit with it a minute. Let it percolate. (See that food pun?)

Proof of parenting

A glamorous yet rare shot of Edamame actually parenting.

Edamame: *enjoys attention*

Edamame has really been letting herself go. She’s still wearing her hospital gown and has enough hair on her legs to make a sasquatch jealous.

Edamame: It is so comfortable and when I wear it I get more attention from Adzuki.

He’s probably getting tangled in that undergrowth on your legs.

Adzuki: What is that smell? Is it a diaper?
Edamame: I’ll go wash up.

I don’t even know how well-acquainted she is with the shower anymore.

Edamame: Oh please, I shower.

When? When you start to smell like cheese? Or when you have to scrape it from your body?

Edamame rolled this want a day or two after the twins were born.

It was a moment of weakness. You know how his man-bun affects me!

Nearly at the same time, Adzuki also wished for another baby, so you know what I had to do. I mean this legacy is all about torture happiness.

Baby bump!

That’s right! Baby number three is on the way!

Edamame: Great llama spittle! I can’t believe this!

How do you not know you got pregnant again? Is there someone else living in your body?

Edamame: As a matter of fact, yes, there is someone else living in my body! That parasite Adzuki put there!

But how did you forget you are carrying another child or two.

Edamame: Shut your lying mouth! I will not have another set of twins. This is the last one! THE LAST ONE!

I was only trying to make you happy. It certainly is a very hard thing to do this time around.

Home Sweet Home

With so many babies and another on the way, I had no choice but to expand the house a bit. It’s no longer a micro home, but it still qualifies as a tiny home. At this point in the legacy, the house is ever-changing. Once we get to a point where it isn’t changing so frequently I will do a house tour.

Edamame: It’s a shoebox.

That reminds me of my kids making fairy houses from shoeboxes.

Edamame: Too bad I’m not a fairy.

It’s still an upgrade from the Outhouse Plus and funds are tight right now. I did what I could, besides you’re never happy with anything.

Quick Cannoli cuddle. Arm: *impales stomach*

Before I knew it, it was the twins’ birthday. I decided in all of my infinite wisdom to have a birthday party with a pregnant, high-maintenance Edamame. To say things went poorly is an understatement. To even get Edamame to age up her children took FOREVER. Adzuki was cooking so that I could get all the goals accomplished.

Bacon: I’m hungry, I’m wet, I need attention!

I tried to make sure the twins’ needs were taken care of before aging them up, butitdoesn’tmatterbecauseEdamamewasangryattheworld! Bacon became a clingy toddler with a permafrown. She takes after her mother.

Edamame: I heard that.

I meant for you too.

Sidenote: I wish that was a pig on Bacon’s shirt instead of a cow.

Cannoli: Look out world, here I come!

Cannoli rolled the wild trait and is a pretty happy toddler. She might be my favorite already. The twins look really similar and bear a strong resemblance to Adzuki.

Edamame: How can you tell? Babies and toddlers all look the same.

Your children or other people’s children all look the same?

Edamame: My children, other people’s children, they all look like each other.

You can’t tell the difference between your own children?

Edamame: Don’t you do that!


Edamame: Don’t you sit there and judge me like you’re better than me because you can tell your children apart. You don’t have twins.

That must be the difference.

Cannoli: Bwrar! I’m a monster! Bwrar! I’m attacking you, Daddy!

Adzuki immediately picked up Cannoli and started to play with her. The best parent award goes to Adzuki.

Edamame: *fumes*

Don’t worry you would get a Dundee. Something about avoiding work.

Edamame: At least I would get something.

Or a Darwin Award.

Edamame: Phew, it’s a good thing we don’t have two infants anymore, this one is about to be here.

This house is about to get very busy. Two toddlers and an infant; I don’t think Edamame and Adzuki will be able to sleep for a while.

Edamame: At least this is the last baby. I don’t think my body can take any more children.

Sounds like a challenge to me.

Edamame: There is something wrong with you.

Edamame: *showers unaware*
Adzuki: Giant Plumbob, what have I stumbled upon?

Adzuki walked in on Edamame when she was showering and the illusion was destroyed. Never before has a man been so unaware of all the work a woman does for the male gaze.

Edamame: Hey! I didn’t know this happened! How could you let him do that?

In my defense, I was busy with your toddlers because your idea of parenting sucks. He walked in while I was distracted.

Adzuki watches in frozen horror.

Besides, it’s super funny.

Edamame: This is my life! How am I supposed to keep the man-bun now?

Probably the way any marriage works. Hard work.

Just a couple of TV zombies living in stinky diapers.

In his horror, Adzuki completely forgot it was Edamame’s turn to care for the children. Darwin Award for sure.

Edamame: What? They were fine and I needed some me-time. I have so few pleasures in life. I have to take what I can when I can.

Honestly, I should have picked self-centered instead of high-maintenance for you. I think we both would have been happier. Literally.

Edamame: This is so disgusting. Someone help me!
Bacon: I didn’t do it!
Cannoli: PUDDLE!

The next morning Edmame’s water broke.

Edamame: *wails* MY LIFE IS A TRAGEDY! Bacon was pooping and suddenly the floor was soaked and we were all covered in it. Pretty sure Bacon is traumatized now. Cannoli is the only one that had a great time.

Bacon isn’t the first child you’ve traumatized, probably won’t be the last.

Bacon: We were all dirty, and Mama had to kween everyone!

Edamame: I wish they would call me “Mama” it’s so plebian.

You are so full of yourself!

Cannoli: I big now!
Bacon: Daddy, I want to be big!

Something strange is happing to the toddlers in this house.

Bacon: Yay, I’m big now too!

Edamame: GREAT GREEN PLUMBOB! They are cursed! That’s it. We have to start over! I can not be the founder of an uglacy! I’m too attractive for that!

Calm down, it’s just a glitch.

Edamame: Mark my words, one, if not both of them are going to be a problem. This is giving me Jello vibes.

At this point, I tried to send Edamame and Adzuki to the hospital for the birth of their third child. Adzuki called for a nanny and they left. Two seconds later they came home and the nanny showed up! Adzuki dismissed the useless nanny and PAID HIM $75!!!!

Edamame: I need to call the authorities and report a crime!

You can’t report a crime, you’re husband paid him.

Edamame had another baby girl. She was named Daiquiri. I failed to get pictures of her as a baby. I blame Edamame for being such a pain in my butt.

Join us next time when we hear Edamame complain about her life more.