Chapter 8: The Glitter Gets Everywhere

Hello, and welcome back for another installment of The Food Family Legacy Reloaded. During the last update we established how terrible I have been with taking pictures to document the Foods’ journey. This update will probably be no different.

Well it’s good to know you’re consistent

Ignoring you. In this update (and at the end of the last update) Edamame and Annatto have four children: Berry, Cocoa, Cacao, and Dumpling. My timeline is all messed up. Dumpling became a toddler in Chapter 6: Pinkeye. I really don’t have very many pictures of her until she becomes a teen. Seriously, like one or two.

*sings* FAILURE!

Berry wuz here

Berry has a destructive side. If he’s left to his own devices for too long he tears something up. Here he has torn up his sister, Cacao’s, school project.

It’s symbolic of all my hopes and dreams.

Way to make it all about you again, Edamame.

I fail to see how this legacy is not about me? Am I not it’s matriarch? Did I not sacrifice my body for the litter of children it spat out?


snotty sniffles

When the children returned home from school Cocoa saw the corpse of her former project and had a meltdown.

Ugh, do we need to spend this much time talking about kids crying? Kids cry, it’s what they do. It’s best to just put your earbuds in and ignore it so you can get on with your day.

Mother of the year.

Thank you. Finally, some respect.

Working toward legacy success.

Annatto keeps rolling those wishes for more children.

He has no idea how exhausting it is to be pregnant. I’m so tired!

You wouldn’t know it, you never complain.

I know, I suffer, but always with grace and class.


Grace and class.

Tada! just like that Edamame is pregnant again.

*groan* This room sucks. Why isn’t it finished?

Because you haven’t written another bestseller yet.

But I’m tired!

Edamame: Are these dishes clean? Does it matter when they just get dirty again anyway?

And with a little movie magic Edamame has had her baby, a girl named Eclair.

That eclair was so good. So deserving of a namesake.

And it was the twins’ birthday, so Edamame needed to get those cakes made.

That’s all I do cook, clean, write bestsellers.

Write bestsellers? Need I remind you that your unfinished house is waiting for another bestseller to be written.

Stop pressuring me! Llama spit! I can’t work like this!

Cocoa: Ooooohhhhh, there’s glitter….

First up: Cocoa. Aaaaand no.

Why does she look so matronly? I mean, I am her role model. Can’t she look a little more….fresh or young?

Like you?

I wasn’t going to say that, but yes.

Wait. You weren’t going to say that? Because I thought you had said that.

uncomfortable silence

One quick makeover later.

Well, that’s better. She basically copied my hair though, but I’ve heard imitation is the sincerest form of fattery.

What? Did you say fattery?


Did you call your daughter fat?

No. But if I did, it wouldn’t be wrong. She’s a little… you know…

No, I don’t. What?

Let’s just say she won’t have the easiest time finding herself a man.

Moving on.

Where has all the glitter gone? Cocoa: Woooooooo!

Cacao was next! Not bad, I like the hair. Cacao’s new trait is Romantic.

She’s so plain. She needs a little make up, she’d be easier on the eyes.

Oh, let me guess. So she can find a man?

Well, yeah. She could also do a little something about that midsection. Maybe. Hide it, maybe…

Cocoa: *toots horn*

*sigh* Now I don’t want to claw my eyes out. She’s cute, she looks like me.

No, I think Cocoa looks more like you.

No, you’re wrong. She’s hefty, and I’m not.

I really hope you don’t have a weight problem later in life, Edamame.

Aww, that’s so sweet. Thank you.


Edamame: Teenagers are like baby magicians.
Cacao: I guess Mom isn’t changing this diaper either!?

Edamame has been letting the kids take care of the kids.

I’ve found that I have so much more time for the things that I want to do. It’s amazing really. I love having “me” time.

Berry: *thinks about changing the diaper, and then doesn’t*
Dumpling: *silently judging*

Berry hasn’t helped too much with the babies. Just thought about it once or twice.

That one is like his dad, he doesn’t help with the babies either.

This Girl: I’m not sure about this whole “Legacy” thing.

Speaking of Berry; he decided to try his hand at speed dating and invited a few friends from school over. This one showed up. I don’t remember her name, I tried to look on the map to find her, but my sims towns are nearly ghost towns now.

Eyelashes: *impale face*

I guess it really doesn’t matter what her name is because when she blinked this happened and everyone in the entire house got quiet. Everyone except Edamame that is.

Oh Dear Llama! SWIPE RIGHT!!! SWIPE RIGHT!!!!!

I think you mean swipe left.

Don’t you tell me what I mean to say ! I don’t want that freak in my house.

She: *is bored*

She came too, I don’t know her name either. So we will just call her She.

So glad to hear that everyone matters to you.

Give me a break, it’s been two years.

Dianna: What’s with these walls?

Dianna Bheeda came too.

Oh, you remember her name, but no one else.

There’s probably a good reason for that, Edamame. Just think about it for a second.

Don’t tell me what to do!

Her: Can you believe this place? Aren’t these people supposed to be rech?

I can’t remember Her name, so Her new one is Her. Seriously, the judgment in that room was so thick you needed a machete to cut through it.

Some people are so superficial, they are only in it for the money.

Or man-bun.

*sigh* He gives good bun.

Her, after Her makeover.
Her: Oh yeah, I gotta…uhhh…okay, bye…

At some point I decided it was important to give everyone makeovers like America’s Next Top Model. Once Her received Her makeover she peaced-out so fast I nearly sprained a finger.

How rude. Some people have no manners. She should have at least tried to get pregnant so this legacy could continue.

What? How does that work.

Never mind. You wouldn’t understand.

Too right.

Dianna: *abandoned by the nameless girls*

Before too long, Dianna was the last one standing, or couldn’t come up with a good/bad/any excuse to leave.

This house is like a Venus Flytrap. Once you’re in it, you don’t leave.

Morbid. I don’t think Dianna received a makeover. But who am I kidding, I can’t remember anything. She could have been an absolute turd and I wouldn’t remember.

Berry: But who wears a sweater with shorts? Did you even use the mirror?
Dianna: Mmm mmm, I don’t like your face right now.

I sent Berry and Dianna off on a real date and they promptly got into an argument. That’s when I knew it was love.

Berry’s a good man, not every man will tell you that you look terrible.

Yeeeaaahhh… Dianna’s a lucky girl…

Berry choking Chicken.

Berry was so frustrated that he came home and tried to murder Chicken.

This is why we can’t have nice things! Look at that door, look at all the dents and scrapes. The house is going to fall apart if he inherits the legacy.

Well, that’s it for this update. I’ve got to look through more pictures and plot my story line see what happened.

After a little research I have discovered the speed dating ladies names. They are as follows (in order of appearance):
This Girl = Tessa Beckett
She = Evie Delgato
Her = Rieko Fujita

Until next time, happy simming

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