Chapter 11: Worm Food

Welcome back to the Food Legacy. Last time Bacon moved out, Edamame and Adzuki suffered midlife crises which ended with Edamame having another baby. Cannoli and Egg entered the dating scene and Daiquiri started university.

And predictably I did not keep track of the points the legacy earned. So, after making a tracking system for myself I think I have my points figured out.

Family Points: 1 (Edamame) 
Creative Points: 0
Fortune Points: 0

Love Points: 1 (Adzuki: Romanic, Jealous, Self-Assured)
Knowledge Points: 6 (total)
1 (Bacon: imagination, potty, communication)
1 (Bacon: movement, Cannoli: imagination, potty)
1 (Cannoli: communication, movement, Edamame: parenting)
1 (Daiquiri: communication, potty, movement)
1 (Daiquiri: imagination, Egg: imagination, movement)
1 (Egg: potty, Edamame: gourmet cooking, Cannoli: cooking)
0 (Frosting: potty)
Athletic Points: 0
Nature Points: 0
Food Points: 1
(Edamame got fat)
Popularity Points: 0
Deviance Points: 0
Parenthood Points: 0
Seasons Points: 0
University Points: N/A
Handicap Points: 1
Penalties: -6 (power shut off and water shut off)

Does anyone care about this? If not I will stop keeping track of points.

Edamame: I certainly don’t care It just makes me feel bad, but maybe that’s the point.

Edamame gave birth to a baby girl I named Gnocchi.

Baby Gnocchi, so precious and old man-like.

When the baby cries everyone stops everything to attend to her needs. Adzuki even fell out of bed trying to get to her.

More about Gnocchi later, right now Edamame has lost her mind again.

What is wrong with you, Edamame?

Edamame: *cries* I DON’T KNOW!!!! I see his man-bun and I just can’t help myself.

Frosting had a sleepover, the whole thing was so frustrating I only took this photo. I invited two of her school friends, one showed up and the other guest ended up being the freaking nanny! I don’t know how he ended up at the sleepover, he most certainly is not a female child. I could not get anyone to do anything together. Not even sleep! She ended up with the bronze medal. Not great. I’ll try this again later, but not while I have a newborn in the house and maybe after there is a patch?

During the sleepover, Daiquiri made it her mission to embarrass Frosting.

Daiquiri: Did you remember to change your underwear? No one likes fudge stains.
Frosting: Cheese Louise, Daiquiri, do you have to be so gross?
McKenna Scott: Yikes, awkward!
Adzuki: I’m just going to sneak out of her before the bloodbath.

And just like their their family dynamic changes from jokesters to difficult.

Gnocchi aged up into a wiggly infant.

Here she is having a Baby Stewie (Family Guy) moment.

Edamame: I could feel her plotting my murder. We may have to give her back.

Back to where? Your uterus?

Edamame: No, the hospital.

Nice try. You wanted her, you’re keeping her.

Tummy time is a must for all infants.

Gnocchi: *thinking* Ohhh, this is different.

Gnocchi: No, never mind. I hate it. *cries*

Edamame: Tummy time is like Mother’s Revenge. Bonus, it really wears her out and she wants to go back to bed afterward.

That’s cold.

Cannoli put the crib together while Adzuki was at work. She even added the mobile.

Edamame: Go to sleep so Mommy can have some me-time.
Gnocchi: *thinking* I’ll give you some me-time you wretched thing! I’ll wait one hour and have the biggest blowout you’ve ever seen!

Gnocchi: Zzzzzzz…

Gnocchi: *screams*
Edamame: Calm down, where’s the fire?
Gnocchi: *thinking* It’s in my pants, you moron. NOW CHANGE ME!

As planned predicted, Gnocchi had a massive blowout.

Edamame: It was disgusting. It went up her back, into her hair, all over the crib. *gags* I had to touch her while she was covered in… that… *gags*

Gnocchi: *thinking* Clean my butt, you wretched woman!

Gnocchi: *thinking* BWAHAHAHAH! VICTORY!

Edamame: *cries* It’s all over me!

Edamame: I swear that kid has it out for me.

What gives you that idea?

Daiquiri is having a lot of fun with the clay. She likes to mold three-dimensional poop and leave it where her mother will find it.

Edamame: I found it on my pillow. I thought it was from Gnocchi. Who does that?

How exactly would Gnocchi poop on your pillow?

Edamame: I don’t know, weirder things have happened. Where there is a will there is a way.

Yeah, but she can’t walk.

Edamame: Look, I don’t have all the answers. What do you think I am, a magician?

A magician? I’m not following you, but I’m going to leave that there because I may have written myself into a corner.

Amie Kealoha came to visit Egg. Edamame observant mother that she is thought Amie was a fan and tried to give her an autographed picture.

Edamame: Oh, would you like an autographed picture? What is your name?

Amie Kealoha: Umm, I’m Amie. I’m here to see Egg, Mrs. Food. I don’t want an autographed picture.

Edamame: You don’t want…
Amie Kealoha: I’m Egg’s girlfriend, remember?

Edamame: Egg doesn’t have a girlfriend. He spends all of his time on his computer. If he has a girlfriend she probably lives in Canada.

Amie Kealoha: I’ve been to your house many times. How can you not know me?

Edamame: Look, I am very busy doing famous things. If you don’t want an autograph kindly get off my porch.

That’s when Egg came home from school.

Egg: MOM! What are you doing?

Edamame: Oh, welcome home, dear. I was just about to throw this trash off our porch.
Amie Kealoha: *thinking* This family is a nightmare.

Edamame: Girlfriend huh? Don’t you think you could have told me that sooner?

Amie Kealoha: I did tell you.

Edamame: I have to feed the baby, but we are not done with this conversation.

Edamame proceeded to feed her baby right there on the porch in front of her son’s girlfriend. Now, I have had to nurse my children in public places before and once while standing up, but that was because I had to. This was completely by choice, the living room with its furniture is right there!

Edamame: It was a power play and I think I won.

Oh, you think so, do you?

Edamame: Yeah, she didn’t have a baby to whip out and start nursing.

Egg: Mom, stop embarrassing me!
Amie Kealoha: *thinking* I should look away. Why can’t I look away?
Gnocchi: *nurses loudly*

Amie Kealoha: You know what. I should go. We can hang out at another time.
Egg: I am so sorry, Amie. Thanks for nothing, Mom.

After Amie left Edamame went from being a doting mother to whatever she was before.

Edamame: Time for you to get tired and go back to bed.
Gnocchi: *thinking* What is this in my face? Remove it at once!

Gnocchi: *thinking* Why does this head have to be so heavy!

Gnocchi: *thinking* And now it’s in my mouth! *cries*

It took Egg a while to get over just how uncool his mother had been.

Edamame: Does it even matter? It’s not like he’s going to marry her, she has no class.

All of this because she didn’t want your autograph? You didn’t even know who she was. Imagine how she feels.

Edamame: I’m not good at empathy.

Ladies and gentlemen a moment of clarity from Edamame Food.

Edamame dropped Gnocchi off in the crib so she could go have some “me time.”

Gnocchi: *cries* Let me out of this prison right now! Someone needs to clean me up! I want food! LET ME OUT!!!
Egg: *regrets life*

Egg graduated early from High School.

Egg: Hey guys. It’s ya boi, Eggyface…

Things are going well.

Adzuki got a promotion!

And decided he needed a break.

Frosting was about to use the toilet when Harvestfest started and was scared out of her mind when she was surrounded by gnomes. Two reaper gnomes, it’s almost like they were trying to tell me something.

Daiquiri had rushed off to class in a rage that morning (thank you high maintenance trait). I made a note of it so I could try to calm her down once she returned home. Only I didn’t get the chance to.

As I was zooming around getting things underway for Harvestfest and giving sims things to do. Daiquiri came home from school and died by the front door. All that rage and she literally blew a gasket. I was shocked. Needless to say, this Harvestfest did not go well.

Edamame: Can you believe this happened on Harvestfest? Totally ruined the holiday.

Oh yeah, the holiday. That’s the important part.

The family was heartbroken.

Cannoli tried to appease the death gnomes and got the shock of her life.

Cannoli: *screaming*

Edamame: It was terrifying. My legacy could have been ruined!

Bacon came over for the Harvestfest and to mourn for her late sister.

Cannoli consoled Frosting.

And Frosting freakishly stretched to console Cannoli.

Edamame: Great Bleeding Llama! Is she floating?

Cannoli graduated from university.

Cannoli maxed gourmet cooking.

And photography.

I decided I hated living on the island in Windenburg so I moved the family to Newcrest.

Edamame: This location seems to work better when we have visitors. They all seemed to get lost on the island for some reason.

It’s gotta be one of those Magical Maxis Bugs.

Adzuki started building a treehouse. A treehouse built by the legacy’s first generation for all future generations.

Frosting has already made a friend in the neighborhood.

Bacon came over to see the new house and celebrate Cannoli’s graduation.

Bacon: Congratulation! I washed my hands.
Cannoli: Oh, thank you!

Edamame: You might laugh, but that is the greatest gift Bacon can give anyone.

Cannoli decided to have a heart-to-heart with Bacon about the future of the family. Bacon wasn’t having it.

Cannoli: It’s our responsibility to carry on our family line. We can only do that if we have children.
Bacon: Naaaah, I’m gonna opt out of that.

Edamame decided it was time for Bacon and Gnocchi to be introduced.

Gnocchi: What are you doing? I do not enjoy tummy-time, do not put me on that mat. I will vomit on everything you love!

Edamame plopped Gnocchi into Bacon’s arms and left them to get acquainted.

Bacon: Umm, what is happening?
Edamame: Bacon, this is your sister, Gnocchi. I need a nap.
Gnocchi: Who is this? I will not allow this! I demand you take me back!

Edamame went right to bed.

Edamame: I just need a few hours.

Bacon immediately dropped Gnocchi off in her crib.

Gnocchi: Not tummy-time! NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

Edamame got up and took Gnocchi to the play mat then went back to bed.

Gnocchi: This isn’t better. ENTERTAIN ME!!!

Edamame: She couldn’t roll over yet, she was fine. My lack of beauty sleep was the most critical issue. I was starting to be bag under my eyes. BAGS!

Well, we can’t have that.

This is where I will end this update. Gnocchi unlocked a number of milestones during this week, but I didn’t work them into this update.

Family Points: 1 (Edamame) 
Creative Points: 0
Fortune Points: 0

Love Points: 1 (Adzuki: Romanic, Jealous, Self-Assured)
Knowledge Points: 7 (total)
1 (Bacon: imagination, potty, communication)
1 (Bacon: movement, Cannoli: imagination, potty)
1 (Cannoli: communication, movement, Edamame: parenting)
1 (Daiquiri: communication, potty, movement)
1 (Daiquiri: imagination, Egg: imagination, movement)
1 (Egg: potty, Edamame: gourmet cooking, Cannoli: cooking)
1 (Frosting: potty, Cannoli: gourmet cooking, Cannoli: photography)
Athletic Points: 0
Nature Points: 0
Food Points: 1
(Edamame got fat)
Popularity Points: 0
Deviance Points: 0
Parenthood Points: 0
Seasons Points: 0
University Points: N/A
Handicap Points: 1
Penalties: -6 (power shut off and water shut off)

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