Chapter 4: And Baby Makes Three

Hello and welcome back to the Food Family Legacy 2.0.   Last time Edamame and Akira Kibo became better acquainted.  At the Romance Festival Edamame plied Akira with tea until he couldn’t tell up from down and she convinced him to move in.  The next day she told him she was probably pregnant and that they aught to get married.  So  now Edamame is well on her way to starting her legacy.  Since Akira joined the household as Edamame’s “primary partner” I took the liberty of renaming him.  According to the rules I gave myself Akira’s name needed to start with an A.  He was renamed Annatto; annatto is a food coloring derived from the seeds of the achiote tree.


Edamame: *sigh* Man-bun…

Annatto: Buuuuuuuurrrrp…

Sounds like your cooking makes Annatto gassy.

Shut your mouth!  Annatto love my cooking; he’s showing his appreciation.


Edamame: *grumbles*

Annatto: *snores*

I think I can see why Edamame chose Annatto.

It’s the man-bun.  Once I saw it I knew it was the one.

It?  You mean he, he was the one.

Yeah.  Sure.  Of course.  Totally what I meant.


Annatto: I’m just going to stand right here and drink this water.

Edamame: OMG, move!  I have to get to work!

Ugh, why do I look so thick?  Never photograph me at this angle again!

Calm down, you’re pregnant in this picture.  It’s a good  thing.  The whole point of the legacy.

Gross.  Speak for yourself. I don’t need some parasite sucking up all the meager nutrients I can afford to feed myself.

Ok, glad you’re enjoying the legacy so far, Edamame.

What are you talking about?  My life is over!   My youth, my beauty, it’s all gone now.  This brat is going to suck it all out of me.  I’ll be a husk of a person!

Wow, your hormones are crazy.


Edamame: Some walls around here would be nice.

Obligatory picture to show the purchase of additional items.  Like a shower and toilet.

Oh yeah, the Foods are really coming up in world now.  We’ve got a toilet and shower on our lawn.  Life doesn’t get better than this.

Your sarcastic tone is hurtful.

I don’t care.  I’m tired and hungry all the time and I just want something that looks like a house.

Crank out those books you’re supposed to be writing and we can afford to build you a house.


Edamame: *typing*

Edamame and Annatto finally earned enough money to build a small home.  It’s a little small and I didn’t have room for Edamame’s computer.

Only because you had to keep some money in reserve.  You could have done a little more.   You just like it when I suffer.

Can’t argue with you there.


Welcome baby Berry.

Oh look, he’s doing his favorite thing, screaming and pooping.

Edamame went into labor and I sent the family off to the hospital. I completely forgot to take pictures.  Anyway, Edamame had a boy, Berry.  I thought about naming him Barley, but I’m trying to stay away from names I used with the other legacy.

Except mine.  I guess you just can’t mess with perfection.



Edamame hits a sour note.

Looks like Berry gets it from his mother.

I’m sure I have no idea what you are talking about.  Clearly it took me by surprise.  Having never done something like that before how was I supposed to know what it was?


Annattto: Can’t you hear the baby?

I’m still not sure what Annatto brought to the house.  This is the most effort he put forth during Berry’s baby stage.  Edamame was working hard on her next book.

I just wanted to finish the chapter I was on.

How many words had you written?



A sight no one ever asked to see.

Oh look, Edamame actually nurses her baby.  I never expected you to nurse your children.

Oh please, do you know how expensive formula is?  Do you think I can afford to pay for this kid to have something special?  I can’t even have a separate bedroom.  I’m chained to this computer all day writing books until I don’t know fiction from reality.  When do I have time to prep a bottle for this kid?

There are so many things I’d like to pick out of that word vomit you just spewed all over, but I’ll just pick one.  One might say knowing fact from fiction has always been a struggle for you.


Berry grew up into a cool-boy.

Before I knew it Berry was a toddler!

Are you kidding me?!  The longest part of my life was standing at that bassinette.  Uuuuuuuuhhhhhhh, why do I have to go through this again?

We’ve talked about this, Edamame, we need an heir and a spare.

This  sucks.


Berry: Ta-dah!

Berry is pretty cute.  He has Annatto’s brown eyes and Edamame’s eye shape.

He’s cuter now that he can fend for himself.  Thank the Llama!  Babies are so needy and gross.

There is something wrong with you.  He still needs you to teach him things and feed him.

Nope.  My job is done.

If you don’t potty train him he will still have dirty diapers to change only this time they will have bigger poops.

Being in your legacy really sucks…all the time.

I love you too, Edamame.

That is not what I said.


Edamame: TOILET!  Use the toilet!

Edamame listened to my words of wisdom and started to potty train Berry.  She was not happy about it, just look at that orange plumbob.


Edamame: Do not wet your pants again.

Such a patient and understanding mother…


Edamame: How is it possible all of that came out of you?  I think I’m going to be sick.

Do you know that child’s toilet had no flushing device?  How and I supposed to get rid of the stuff inside?

You have to dump it in the toilet.

What?!  I actually have to touch that thing?  Why are children so gross?


Berry: Daddy!  Daddydaddydaddydaddydaddy.  Annatto:  Not now, Daddy’s busy.



This is where the magic happens.

Yellow plumbob, some was not enjoying themselves.

It was me.  Why would I enjoy getting pregnant again?


Please don’t drink it.

While Edamame and Annatto were working on baby number two Berry was entertaining his self.

Llama’s tears!  That is disgusting!


Berry: Out.  Out.

After taking a short swim in the toilet Berry decided a little naked-time was in order.

Naked-time used to be my favorite part of the day.  Sadly, right now I don’t own a mirror, so there’s no point.



Then he made a break for it.

Not acceptable.  If I lose this one that means I have to have another and I am not having three kids.  Heir and a spare, that’s the deal.


Oh yeah!  Baby number two is on the way.


Edamame: No, only babies have bottles.  Eat your applesauce.  Annatto: *snores*

Annatto is still a supportive husband and father.

PFFFFT…  Good thing he has that man-bun, otherwise he’s be useless.

How exactly is his having a man-bun useful.

It’s pretty.


Annatto: I think I’ll lie down for a bit.

In his defense he was ill at the time, a case of the cube pox.

How is this different from any other day?


Berry is having unsupervised internet time.

This is a pretty common thing these days.


Family time at its finest.

But I think Edamame and Berry are starting to bond.

Oh my Llama, the smell in that room!


Berry: CAKE!  Edamame: Yes, we could name the baby Cake.

Edamame and Berry like to come up with names for the baby before he goes to bed.

I had this intense pain in my belly here.  I thought I was going into labor.

Nope.  That’s just your hand.


Edamame: *whispers*  You have to make lots of money to breaks us out of this prison.

While her son sleeps Edamame likes to whisper to him.

I’m infusing him with the need to do well and save me from this legacy.

Side Note: Let’s ignore the fact that Edamame is not as pregnant in this picture.  Work with me, people.


Edamame: This is my life…

Every mother goes through it.  Edamame just realized this is her life.  No longer is she Edamame.  She will now be a mother;  someone that wipes butts, feeds little people, and feels exhausted all the time.

Stop trying to project you life on to me.  It’s depressing.

That’s it for this update.  We are still at a solid 2 points here folks.  Next time we will find out what baby  number two is.  Is Edamame hoping for a girl or a boy?

I’m just hoping it’s out soon…

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